The collective depth and tenure of experience of the authors in advancing accessibility practice is truly exceptional. In practical terms, the organization of the book makes clear the work to be done and the imperative for doing it. It is about understanding the context for accessibility and making change happen in policy, practice, and professional development. At QM, our position is straightforward. A course is not quality unless it is accessible for all. This book represents the many ways our community is walking that talk. -- from the Foreword by Deb Adair, Executive Director of Quality MattersApproximately 8.5% of the general population of the United States has a disability affecting their computer and Internet use, which translates to over 28 million people in the U.S. alone whose disability impacts their access to digital content. Recent data indicates that around 19% of undergraduate students have a disability, yielding consequential implications for institutions of higher education. Regardless of disabilities or environmental constraints, educators have a legal and ethical responsibility to create online learning experiences that are accessible and usable by all learners.Addressed to higher education administrators, instructional designers, faculty developers, and faculty, this edited volume showcases the experiences and practices of Quality Matters institutions around the core tenets of digital accessibility, offering examples of policy, processes, practices, tools, and professional development. The contributors represent a carefully curated body of institution types and classifications to ensure that all readers can transfer concepts into the contexts of their respective institutions.The book situates the digital accessibility movement within the context of major federal legislation, such as the Americans with Disabilties Act of 1990. It traces the evolution of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for online course design and
Deb Adair
Part 1. Digital Accessibility Background and Historical Perspectives
1. History of the Known. Digital Accessibility as an Issue of Social Justice in U.S. Education
Cyndi Rowland
2. Evolution of Quality Matters General Standard 8. Accessibility and Usability
Brenda Boyd and Julie Porosky Hamlin
3. Quality Matters Professional Development for Addressing Accessibility and Usability
Cecelia A. Green, Claudia Sanchez Bustos, and Barbara A. Frey
Part 2. Digital Accessibility Policy
4. A Systems Approach to Change. Putting Inclusion and Accessibility into Practice
Paul D. Miller, Michael A. Mills, and Stacy Ford
5. Mixed-Methods Research to Support Development of a Campus-Wide Digital Accessibility Policy
Cyndi Wiley, Kaitlyn Ouverson, and Brittni Wendling
6. Development and Implementation of an Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy
Angie Bedford-Jack
7. A Case in Strategic Institutional Accessibility
Racheal Brooks, Dekendrick Murray, Drew Johnson, and WC Gray
8. Promoting Accessibility through the Revision of a Distance Education Policy
Matthew McKenzie
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