This Handbook offers a comprehensive assessment of current debates and major theories in research on identities in organizations. It provides an interdisciplinary review of the processes of identity construction, how, why, and when such processes occur, and their implications for organizing and individual, group, and organizational outcomes.
1 Andrew D. Brown: Identities in Organizations; SECTION I: SURVEYING THE TERRITORY; 2 Mats Alvesson and Susann Gjerde: On the Scope and Limits of Identity; 3 Sierk Ybema: Bridging Self and Sociality: Construction and Social Control; 4 Rosie Oswick and Cliff Oswick: ’Identity Work’: A Metaphor Taken Literally; 5 Nick Ellis and Gillian Hopkinson: Networks and Identity: Positioning the Self and Others Across Organizational and Network Boundaries; 6 Patrizia Hoyer: Career Identity: An Ongoing Narrative Accomplishment; 7 Doyin Atewologun, Roxanne Kutzer, and Elena Doldor: Applying an intersectional Perspective to Identity Foci at Work; 8 Peter Mcinnes and Sandra Corlett: Preserving the Generative Potential of Identity Scholarship: The Value of Writerly Texts; SECTION II: APPROACHES TO IDENTITIES RESEARCH; 9 Timothy R. Kuhn and Jayne Simpson: Discourse, Communication and Identity; 10 Gianpiero Petriglieri: A Psychodynamic Perspective on Identity as Fabrication; 11 Kate Kenny: Lacan, Identities and Organizations: Potentialities and Impossibilities; 12 Nic H. Beech and Stephen Broad: Performed Identities; 13 Gerardo Patriotta: Noise, Identity and Pre-interpreted Worlds: A Phenomenological Perspective; 14 Nancy H. Harding: Materialities and Identities; 15 Heather C. Vough, Brianna B. Caza, and Sally Maitlis: Making Sense of Myself: Exploring the Relationship between Identity and Sensemaking; 16 Chris Carter and Crawford Spence: Bourdieu and Identity: Class, History, and Field Structure; SECTION III: RESEARCHING IDENTITIES; 17 Tony Watson: Human Identities, Identity Work and Organizations: Putting the Sociological Imagination into Practice; 18 Michael J. Gill: How Can I Study Who You Are? Comparing Grounded Theory and Phenomenology as Methodological Approaches to Identity Work Research; 19 Leanne Cutcher: Conversations with the Self and Others: Practicing Reflexive Researcher Identity Work; 20 Andrea Whittle and Frank Mueller: Membership Categorisation Analysis: Studying Identities in Talk and Text ’In Situ, In Vivo’; 21 Mike Zundel, David Mackay, Robert Mcintosh, and Claire Mckenzie: Between the Bridge and the Door: Video Diaries and Identity Relations; 22 Michael Rowlinson and Michael Heller: Historical Methods for Researching Identities in Organizations; SECTION IV: ISSUES IN AND PROCESSES OF IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION; 23 Roy Suddaby, Majken Schultz, and Trevor Israelsen: Autobiographical Memory and Organizational Identity: The Role of Temporal Fluidity; 24 Sarah J. Tracy and Sophia Town: Real, Fake, and Crystallized Identities; 25 Dan Karreman and Sanne Frandsen: Identity, Image, and Brand; 26 Gail T. Fairhurst and Mathew L. Sheep: ’If You Have To Say You Are, You Aren’t’: Paradoxes of Trumpian Identity Work Knotting In A Post-Truth Context; 27 Ingo Winkler: Emotions and Identity; 28 Mark Learmonth and Martyn Griffin: Fiction and the Identity of the Manager; 29 Herminia Ibarra and Otilia Obodaru: The Liminal Playground: Identity Play and the Creative Potential of Liminal Experiences; 30 Marianna Fotaki: Gender Identity: Does It Still Matter in Organizations and Society?; 31 Barbara Simpson and Brigid Carroll: Identity Work in Developing Collaborative Leadership; SECTION V: IDENTITY TYPES AND KINDS; 32 Susan Ainsworth: Age Identity and Organizations: Critical Potential and Challenges; 33 Graeme Currie and Katey Logan: Hybrid Professional Identities: Responding to Institutional Challenges; 34 Nick Rumens: Organization Sexualities and LGBTQ+ Identities; 35 Glen E. Kreiner and Christine A. Mihelcic: Stigmatized Identities in Organizations; 36 Yiannis Gabriel: Anchored in the Past: Nostalgic Identities in Organizations; 37 Alexei Koveshnikov, Janne Tienari, and Eero Vaara: National Identity In and Around Multinational Corporations; 38 Mathew L. Sheep: Paradoxes in the Pursuit of Positive Identities: Individuals in Organizations Becoming Their Best; 39 Mairi Maclean and Charles Harvey: Crafting Philanthropic Identities; 40 Mrinalini Greedharry, Pasi Ahonen, and Janne Tienari: Race and Identity in Organizations; 41 Iva Josefsson: Creating Creative Identities in Organizations; 42 Mehdi Boussebaa: Identity Regulation and Globalisation; SECTION VI: IDENTITIES IN ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES AND OUTCOMES; 43 Alison Hirst and Michael Humphreys: Finding Ourselves in Space: Identity and Spatiality; 44 Thibaut Bardon and Stephan Peze: Identity and Power in Organizational Theory; 45 Jaco Lok: Theorizing the ’I’ in Institutional Theory: Moving Forward Through Theoretical Fragmentation, not Integration; 46 Jackie Ford: Leadership and Identities: Towards More Critical Relational Approaches; 47 Emmanuelle Fauchart and Marc Gruber: Entrepreneurship and Identity; 48 Ann Langley, David Oliver and Linda Rouleau: Strategy and Identities in Organizations; SECTION VII: LOOKING FORWARD: THE FUTURE OF IDENTITIES IN ORGANIZATIONS RESEARCH; 49 Caroline Clarke and David Knights: The Killing Fields of Identity Politics; 50 Blake E. Ashforth, Jordana R. Moser, and Phillipp Bubenzer: Identities and Identification: Beyond our Fixation on the Organization; 51 Christine Coupland and Simona Spedale: Agile Identities: Fragile Humans?; 52 Karen Lee Ashcraft: Senses of Self: Affect as a Pre-Individual Approach to Identity at Work; 53 Sumati Ahuja, Natalia Nikolova, and Stewart Clegg: Identities, Digital Nomads, and Liquid Modernity; 54 Michael G. Pratt: Identity Saves the World? Musings on Where Identity Research Has Been and Where It Might Go; 55 Andrew D. Brown: Identities in Organizations: Some Concluding Thoughts
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