Now in its seventh edition, Aging as a Social Process is the most comprehensive introduction to the sociological study of aging that continues to show students that human aging is more than just a matter of biology - it is also a complex social process.
Note: All chapters include:; - Learning Objectives and Key Facts; - Highlight Boxes; - Summary; - For Reflection, Debate, or Action; - Key Terms; - Multimedia Resources; - Notes; Preface; Acknowledgments; Developments in Social Gerontology since 1940 That Have Had a Major Impact on Canadian Research, Policy, and Practice; Part One: Interweaving Individual and Population Aging; 1. Aging as a Social Process; Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities within an Aging World; Population Aging: Adding Years to Life; Individual Aging: Adding Life to Years; Interacting Aging Processes; The Social World of Aging; Stereotypes and Their Influence on Individuals and Society; The Field of Gerontology Matures; Three Life Course Conceptual Dimensions to Understand the Study of Aging; Critical Issues and Challenges for an Aging Society; 2. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Aging; Introduction: Diversity in Aging across Time, Place, and Culture; Aging in Canada’s Multicultural Society; The Multiple Dimensions and Meanings of Culture; Historical and Comparative Approaches to Understanding Aging Processes; An Intersectionality Lens to Cultural Experiences and Identity; The Modernization Hypothesis and the Changing Status of Older People; The Modernization Hypothesis and the Changing Status of Older People; Diversity of Aging during Modernization; Aging in Subcultures; 3. Integrating Physical, Psychological, and Social Change across the Life Course; Introduction; Aging, Physical Structure, and the Physiological Systems; Aging and the Motor and Sensory Systems; Aging and Cognitive Processes; Personality Processes and Aging; Cognitive Vitality among the Very Old; 4. Population Aging: Understanding the Importance of Demography; Introduction; The Study of Demography; Global Demographic and Epidemiological Transitions; Demographic Variations among Generations and Age Cohorts; Demography Is Not Destiny: The Misuse of Demographic Statistics; An Expanding Older Population; The Significance of Demographic Indices; Geographic Distribution of the Aging Population; Part Two: The Social, Environmental, and Health Contexts of Aging; 5. Theories and Research in Explaining and Understanding Aging Phenomena; Introduction; The Goals of Scholarly Research; Developing Knowledge: Multiplicity in Perspectives and Theories; Research Methods Applied to Aging and the Aged: The Search for Answers; Methodological Issues in Aging Research; 6. Intersections of Social Structures, Social Inequality, and the Life Course; Introduction; Social Structures and Aging; Age Structures and the Life Course; Age Structures and Social Change; 7. Health Status and Health-Care Transitions in an Aging Context; Introduction: What Is Health?; Models of Health and Health Care; Is the Older Population Healthier over Time?; Is the Mid-Life Population Healthier over Time?; Increasing Longevity and Centenarians; Dimensions of Health and Illness; Mental Health; Canada’s Health-Care System and Population Aging; 8. The Lived Environment: Community, Housing, and Place; Introduction; The Multiple Meanings of Community; An Ecological Model of Aging: Person-Environment Interaction; Coping with the Environment: Challenges and Adaptations; Living Arrangements in Later Life; Housing Alternatives in Later Life; Changing Places: Local Moves and Migration in Later Life; Part Three: Aging, Social Institutions, and Public Policy; 9. Family Ties, Relationships, and Transitions; Introduction; The Concept of Family; Changing Family and Kinship Structures; Factors Influencing Family Relationships; Family Ties and Relationships; Life Transitions in a Family Context; 10. Later Life Work, Retirement, and Economic Security; Introduction; Older Workers in the Pre-retirement Years; The Process of Retirement; Economic Security in Later Life; 11. Social Participation, Social Connectedness, and Leisure among Older Persons; Introduction; Social Networks over the Lifecourse; Loneliness and Social Isolation in Later Life: Myth or Fact?; Social Participation in Later Life; Asocial Behaviour: Older Criminals; Leisure and Aging: Conceptual and Methodological Issues; 12. The Completion of the Life Course: Social Support, Public Policy, and Dying Well; Introduction; Social Support and Caregiving in an Aging Society; Informal Social Support; Formal Social Support; Social Intervention Strategies and Issues; End of the Life Course: Dying Well, with Support and Dignity; Public Policy for an Aging Population; Appendix: Study Resources; Glossary; References; Index; Notes
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