Two themes seem to emerge repeatedly when reading through this volume. One is ’consensus’ and the other is ’search’. There was a strong consensus during the Congress that children and families were the major and foremost concern of all present, regardless of their geographic origin or professional background. This concern was often expressed in terms of commitment to or as goal for the international mental health movement for the years to come. The second theme, ’search’, represents an effort to translate this concern into activities: search for concrete, immediate goals, for ways and means of translating into actual programs and projects, for interested people to carry on the work and better ways to train them to do the work well, for ways to obtain support, and lastly, search for ways of coordinating efforts of people in different parts of the world. All these and other matters are taken up in the discussions in this volume. The complexity of problems encountered in a rapidly changing world and the diversity of resources available in different parts of the world, make the task of searching difficult and sometimes confusing. In spite of the earnest efforts made, the results may be inconclusive and some of those pro posed can be regarded only as hypotheses or ideas for experimentation.
Section One — Developmental Needs.- The First Margaret Mead Memorial Lecture — The Wider Dimensions of Mental Health.- Attaining the Full Potential of Human Achievement — Physical, Social and Psychological.- The Needs of the Child and His Development.- Section Two — Societal Context.- The Social Context of Health: Effects of Time, Place and Person.- Children and Families in the Third World: Dilemma or Hope?.- The Traditional Family in a Changing World.- The New Dichotomy of Mankind: Mothers and Non-Mothers.- Section Three — Children’s Rights.- Human Rights and the Rights of the Child.- Securing the Rights of Children by Citizen Advocacy.- Children’s Rights.- Section Four — Issues with Therapeutic Implications.- Mental Health for Children and Families: Immediate Research Needs.- Mental Health Initiatives for the Eighties.- The Challenge of Child Mental Health and Development: WHO/UNICEF Response.- Section Five — Special Events.- The Youth Panel — A Symposium.- The Mary Hemingway Rees Memorial Lecture — From Hand to Hand: Mental Health, Transmission of Values and Religion.- Section Six — Workshop Reports.- Bonding, Attachment and Early Infant Development.- Alternatives to the Nuclear Family: The Role of the Extended Family and the Community in Child Rearing.- Divorce, Separation and Custody.- Mental Health of Children of Migrants and Cultural Minorities.- The Impact on Children in an Over-medicated Society.- External Stresses on Family Life.- Child Abuse and Neglect.- Food Habits and Mental Health of Children.- Problems of Exceptional Children: The Gifted and the Limited.- Psychosis, Phychosomatic Illness and Chronic Illness in Children.- Making Unwanted Children Wanted: Preparation for Parenthood.- Healthy Attitudes Toward Developing Masculine and Feminine Roles.- Psychotherapy for the Whole Family.- The Influence of Mass Media (Television) on Children — Prosocial Aspects.- Creative Leisure for Children and Families.- Mental Health and School.- Alcohol and Drug Abuse.- Physical Surroundings and Environmental Influences.- Children’s Right/Patients’ Rights and Child Advocacy.- Religion and Mental Health in Children.- Self-help and Mutual Aid.
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