This book provides an in-depth and comprehensive summary of the psychology of close relationships, and showcases classic and contemporary theories, models, and empirical research that have been conducted in the field.
Part One: Introduction to the Volume; 1. The Blossoming of Relationship Science; Lorne Campbell and Jeffry A. Simpson; Part Two: Major Theoretical Approaches to Relationships; 2. Relationships from an Evolutionary Life History Perspective; Douglas T. Kenrick, Steven L. Neuberg, and Andrew E. White; 3. An Interdependence Theory Analysis of Close Relationships; Ximena B. Arriaga; 4. The Role of Attachment Security in Adolescent and Adult Close Relationships; Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver; 5. The Self-Expansion Model of Motivation and Cognition in Close Relationships; Arthur Aron, Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., Debra Mashek, and Elaine N. Aron; 6. Regulating Interpersonal Risk; Justin V. Cavallo, Sandra L. Murray, and John G. Holmes; Part Three: Attraction in Relationships; 7. Love is a battlefield: Romantic Attraction, Intrasexual Competition, and Conflict between the Sexes; Jon K. Maner and Joshua M. Ackerman; 8. Cultural Influences on Attraction; Paul W. Eastwick; 9. Implicit Theories of Relationships: Destiny and Growth Beliefs; C. Raymond Knee and Kristen N. Petty; Part Four: Models of Relationship Functioning and Processes; 10. The Social Psychology of Love; Beverley Fehr; 11. Error Management in Relationships; Martie G. Haselton and Andrew Galperin; 12. Communal (and Other) Relationships: History, Theory Development, Recent Findings, and Future Directions; Margaret S. Clark and Oriana R. Aragon; 13. Transference and the Relational Self; Serena Chen, Helen C. Boucher, Susan M. Andersen, and S. Adil Saribay; 14. Love, Reality, and Illusion in Intimate Relationships; Garth Fletcher and Patrick Kerr; 15. Motivations for Promotion or Prevention in Close Relationships; Daniel C. Molden and Heike A. Winterheld; 16. Empathic Accuracy in Close Relationships; William Ickes and Sara D. Hodges; 17. The Nature of Female Sexuality: Insights into the Dynamics of Romantic Relationships; Steven W. Gangestad and Christine E. Garver-Apgar; 18. Responsiveness; Harry T. Reis and Margaret S. Clark; Part Five: Daily Relationship Functioning; 19. Regulation Processes in Close Relationships; Nickola C. Overall and Jeffry A. Simpson; 20. Intimate Partner Violence; Eli J. Finkel and Christopher I. Eckhardt; 21. Implicit Cognition and Relationship Processes; Rainer Banse and Roland Imhoff; 22. Emotion Regulation in Close Relationships; Tammy English, Oliver P. John, and James J. Gross; 23. Emotion in Relationships; Leanne K. Knobloch and Sandra Metts; 24. Personality and Relationships; James K. McNulty; 25. Interdependence Revisited: Perspectives from Cultural Psychology; Stanley O. Gaines Jr. and Deletha P. Hardin; 26. Relationship Maintenance Processes; John E. Lydon and Sara K. Quinn; 27. Sexuality in Relationships; Lisa M. Diamond; Part Six: Psychological and Physical Well-Being in Relationships; 28. Romantic Relationships and Health; Timothy J. Loving and Richard Slatcher; 29. Gratitude and Forgiveness in Relationships; Frank D. Fincham and Steven R.H. Beach; 30. Couples and Stress: How Demands Outside a Relationship Affect Intimacy within the Relationship; Benjamin R. Karney and Lisa A. Neff; 31. Toward an Integrative Neuroscience of Relationships; Lane Beckes and James A. Coan; 32. Social Support Processes in Relationships; Brian Lakey; Part Seven: Relationships Across Development and Time; 33. Repeated Measures with Dyads; Tessa V. West; 34. What’s Past is Prologue: Social Developmental Antecedents of Close Relationships; Katherine C. Haydon and Glenn I. Roisman; 35. The Development of Human Reproductive Strategies: Toward an Integration of Life History and Sexual Selection Models; Jenee James and Bruce J. Ellis; 36. Divorce and Close Relationships: Findings, Themes, and Future Directions; David A. Sbarra and Connie J.A. Beck; Part Eight: Capstone; 37. The Waving of the Relationship Flag; Jeffry A. Simpson and Lorne Campbell
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