"This book will be a valuable resource for novice surgeons approaching one of the most challenging anatomical subsites, since it provides a stepwise approach to understanding the anatomical background, the radiological aspects, and the broad spectrum of different surgical approaches to the frontal sinuses.The authors are to be congratulated for this masterpiece, which will become the gold standard for experts and beginners." —Paolo Castelnuovo Edited by renowned rhinologists and skull base surgeons Christos Georgalas and Anshul Sama, this complete guide to frontal sinus surgery covers surgical anatomy and radiology, frontal-specific pathology, surgical techniques, technical advancements, and controversies. It focuses on those starting surgical practice and it is also of interest to well-established surgeons. This book brings together some of the leading surgeons across the globe to provide varied and complementary perspectives. The content is organized in five sections: surgical anatomy, specific conditions of the frontal sinus, open surgical approaches, endoscopic surgical approaches, and controversies. Key Features More than 600 full-color images and diagrams illustrating surgical concepts and demonstrating detailed techniques Stepwise descriptions of surgical techniques with a "tips and tricks" section in each chapter drawn from the authors’ experience Clinical case presentations in each chapter illustrating key concepts and techniques A truly global and balanced perpective with world-leading authors from all continents Controversial topics analyzed from evidence-based medicine (EBM) perspective This is a must-have resource for otolaryngology–head and neck surgery residents, fellows, and specialists that may also benefit neurosurgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other clinicians who deal with this challenging and complex area. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
Section I Anatomy of the Frontal Sinus and Frontal Recess1. Developmental Bases of the Anatomy of the Frontal Sinuses2. Radiological Anatomy3. Applied Surgical AnatomySection II Endoscopic Surgical Approaches to Frontal Sinus Disease4. Draf Frontal Sinusotomy I and IIa5. Draf Frontal Sinusotomy IIb6. Extended Draf IIb and Other Modificatoins of the Lothrop Procedure7. The Frontal Sinus Rescue Procedure8. Draf III (Endoscopic Modified Lothrop) Inside-Out and Outside-In Approaches9. Transseptal Approach10. Endoscopic Endonasal Orbital Transposition for Lateral Frontal Sinus Lesions11. The Role of Frontal Sinus in Anterior Skull Base Surgery and the Transcribriform Approach12. Extended Endonasal Anterior Skull Base Approaches13. Revision Endoscopic Frontal Sinus Surgery14. Complications of Frontal Sinus Surgery15. Delivery of Topical Therapy to the Frontal Sinus16. Postoperative Management: Dressings and Toilet17. Office-Based Frontal Sinus ProceduresSection III Open Surgical Approaches to Frontal Sinus Disease18. Mini- and Maxi-Trephines19. Osteoplastic Flap Approach with and without Obliteration20. Riedel’s Procedure and Cranialization of the Frontal SinusSection IV Management of Specific Frontal Sinus Conditions21. Frontal Sinus Barosinusitis22. Frontal Sinus in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis23. Pneumosinus Dilatans24. Frontal Sinusitis in Chronic Rhinosinusitis without Nasal Polyposis25. Frontal sinus in CRSwNP, AFRS, and ASA Triad26. Frontal Sinus Mucoceles27. Frontoethmoidal Osteomas28. Frontal Inverted Papilloma29. The Frontal Sinus: Fibro-Osseous Lesions30. Malignant Disease Involving the Frontal Sinus31. Acute Frontal Osteomyelitis: Intracranial and Orbital Complications32. Fungal Frontal Sinusitis: Allergic and Nonallergic33. Frontal Sinus Trauma and Its Management34. Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak in the Frontal Sinus: Endoscopic ManagementSection V Controversial Topics in Current Practice35. The Use of Flaps in Frontal Sinus Surgery36. Osteitis and the Frontal Sinus37. Extreme Lateral Lesions: What Is the Limit of Endoscopic Surgery?38. Use of Image Guidance Technology: Mandatory or Not39. Balloon Technology in the Frontal Sinus: Useful or Gimmick40. Minimum versus Maximal Surgical Sinusotomy41. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and Outcomes in Frontal Sinus Surgery: Do They Make a Difference?42. Symptoms of Frontal Sinus Disease: Where is the Evidence?43. Anatomy and Classification of Frontoethmoidal Cells44. To Drill or Not to Drill45. Indications for Operating the Frontal Sinus: Primary Surgery or Always Second Line?46. Economic and Quality-of-Life Evaluation of Surgery and Medical Treatmemt for Chronic Rhinosinusitis47. Training Models and Techniques in Frontal Sinus Surgery48. Augmented Reality in Frontal Sinus Surgery49. Robotic Surgery: Beyond Da Vinci50. Pathophysiology of the Failed Frontal Sinus and Its Implications for Medical Management
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