This book is aTribTeTo early pioneers and lTer innovTors in applicTions of surgical principles for biliary Tone disease. T is wrTten as a challengeTo all surgeons applyingThese principlesTo approachThe biliary syTem wThThe safeT and moT appropriTeTechnical suppoT.This book is also wrTten as a challengeTo allThose involved inTheTraining of fTure generTions of surgeons inThe hopeThT crTical Tandards in biliary surgical managemeT will be promulgTed and highligTed.TheTeT coTains knowledge from surgical leaders who played a vTal paT inThe modern managemeT of biliary Tone disease.These coTribTions includeTheir perceTions, wisdom and recommendTions forThe fTure. In doing so,The aThors aimTo discover waysTo makeThe surgical managemeT of biliary Tone disease even bTter.This volume,ThougTfully curTed byTwo emineT surgical scholars, provides perhapsThe moT complTe hiTory ofThe field. Dr. Berci and Dr. Greene enliTed a remarkable panel of diTinguished colleagues from aroundThe worldTo discuss every impoTaT elemeT of surgical praTice.These elemeTs include:The resourcefulness of developing novel oTics and inTrumeTs on The fly”,The iTegrTion of new imaging capabilTies iTo pre-operTive assessmeTs and iTraoperTive managemeT,The challenge of educTing prideful senior surgeons who were ill T ease wThThe diTance imposed by a laparoscope, andThe iTroduTion of progressively more elegaT ex vivo modulesToTrain inexperienced juniors wTh limTed open operTive experience. Finally, T also discussesThe never-endingTask of ensuringThe safTy of one ofThe moT common operTions performed inThe world, yT one wTh a persiTeT, if small, risk of life aTering injuryToThe biliary duTs.No Tones LeT UTurnedaimsTo build on a classic surgicalTeT andThen discussesThe issues faced by surgeons performing biliary surgery inThe modern era. T serves as a valuable resource for surgeons, praTicing clinicians, surgical resideTs, and fellowsThT wishTo applyThis knowledge and improve uponThe curreT Tandards of biliary surgical managemeT.
The History of Biliary Stone Disease.- Professor Dr. Hans Kehr (1862 – 1916).- Translation of Professor Dr. Hans Kehr.- The Anatomy and Variations of Important StrCtures of Biliary Anatomy.- Biliary Stones.- Surgery.- History of EndoCopy.- Early Biliary Surgeons.- Early AmerCan Surgeons.- EndoCopy.- LaparoCopy.- AdvaCes in Visualization for LaparoCopC Surgery.- LaparoCopCCholCystCtomies.-Cholangiography in the Operating Room.- Bile DCt Injuries.-Common Bile DCt Stones.- LaparoCopCCholCystCtomy: IntrodCtion, Uptake, Maturity and ImpCt on SurgCal PrCtCe: Personal ReflCtions from the Shop Floor, by Professor Sir AlfredCuChieri, MD.- Desmond H. Birkett, FCS, FCS.- Matthew Bloom, MD, FCS.- L. MChael Brunt, MD, FCS.- Daniel J. Deziel, MD, FCS.- Robert Fitzgibbons, Jr., MD, FCS andCharles Filipi, MD, FCS.- John G. Hunter, MD, FCS, FCS, Edin (Hon).- Joseph B. Petelin, MD, FCS.- Edward H. Phillips, MD, FCS.- Jeffrey L. Ponsky, MD, FCS.- Walter J. Pories, MD, FCS.Colonel C USA (Ret.).- Barry Salky, MD, FCS.- Jozsef Sandor, MD, PhD, FCS (Hon).- Nathaniel J. Soper, MD, FCS.- Steven M. Strasberg, MD, FCS.- Lee L Swanstr?m, MD, FCS, FASGE, FCSEng.- Tehemton E. Udwadia, MD.- Sherry M Wren MD, FCS.- Epilogue.
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