This volume marks the end of twenty years of neurosecretion during which there were five symposia, namely Naples (1953), Lund (1957), Bristol (1961), Strasbourg (1966), and Kiel (1970). In comparison with these symposia an exceptionally large number of papers were read at this the sixth symposium, in London, and for economic reasons it has not been possible to publish all the papers in extenso. The editors have therefore been obliged to undertake the unenviable work of selection, a task made all the more difficult by the excel lence and importance of contributions of the symposium. We felt that it was of the utmost importance at this moment in the history of neurosecretion to present as complete a picture as possible of the present state of the subject in relation to the past and opportunities for the future. We have therefore given some preference to papers with a strong review element, research papers in areas of current importance and contributions which deal with recently developed techniques with promise for the future. We have more over attempted to strike some balance between the different areas of research on neurosecretion so that the volume as a whole may be of interest to the general reader, and that he will find in it a reasonably coherent pattern of thought which demonstrates neurosecretion as the final neuroendocrine pathway. We have attempted a certain degree of uniformity of spelling, symbols, etc.
I. Introduction.- Twenty Years of Neurosecretion.- II. Peptidergic Neurosecretion.- Morphological and Physiological Reactions of the Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei.- Immunohistochemistry of Vasopressin: Study of the Hypothalamo-Neurohypophysial System of Normal, Dehydrated and Hypophysectomized Rats.- Exo-Endocytosis in the Neurohypophysis as Revealed by Freeze-Fracturing.- Ascending Neurosecretory Pathways of the Peptidergic Type.- The Use of the Cobalt Chloride-Ammonium Sulfide Precipitation Technique for the Delineation of Invertebrate and Vertebrate Neurosecretory Systems.- The Perisympathetic Organs of Insects.- Biochemical Aspects of the Hypothalamo-Neurohypophysial Neurone.- The Heterogeneity of the Neurohypophysial Pool of Neurophysin.- Recent Functional Studies on the Caudal Neurosecretory System of Teleost Fishes.- Bioassay and Characterization of Crustacean Limb Growth-Controlling Factors.- The Neurosecretory Impulse.- Dynamics of Oxytocin Secretion.- Recent Advances in the Study of the Hypothalamic Releasing Factors.- Study of the Preoptico-Infundibular LH-RH Neurosecretory Pathway in Female Guinea-Pigs during Gestation and the Oestrous Cycle.- A Concept of Neuroendocrine Cell Complexes.- Cellular Localization of Thyrotropic Releasing Factor (TRF) after Intraventricular Administration.- Identification of Adenohypophysiotropic Neurohormone Producing Neurosecretory Cells in Rana temporaries.- Structural and Functional Aspects of Two Types of Gomori-Negative Neurosecretory Centres in the Caudal Hypothalamus of Amphibia.- Control of Prolactin Secretion in the Goldfish, Carassius auratus.- Pars Intermedia Control with and without Innervation — Studies in Elasmobranchs and a Lizard.- III. Aminergic Mechanisms in Neuroendocrine Control.- Organization of the Dopamine and Noradrenaline Innervation of the Median Eminence-Pituitary Region in the Rat.- New Aspects on the Catecholamine Innervation of the Hypothalamus and the Limbic System.- Extrahypothalamic Influences on the Tubero-Infundibular Dopamine Neurones and the Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Prolactin.- Brain Monoamines and the Control of Growth Hormone Release.- The Characterization of Monoaminergic Nerve Terminals in the Brain by Fine Structural Cytochemistry.- Sensory and Secretory Catecholamine-Containing Cells Bordering the Third Ventricle of the Toad Brain.- IV. Summaries.- Aminergic Mechanisms in Neuroendocrine Control.- New Trends in Vertebrate Neurosecretion.- New Trends in Invertebrate Neurosecretion.- Concluding Remarks.- V. Abstracts.- List of Participants.
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