中医原理:现代阐释 第2版


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2nd ed.
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库存 29 本
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"Despite its efficacy in treating ailments (for some of which Western medicine offers no cure), traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) continues to be regarded with skepticism in the West. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that TCM practitioners have been unable to explain TCM theories using Western scientific categories. A TCM physician who was also trained in the philosophy of science at Cambridge and the London School of Economics, Hong Hai offers a fresh and at times iconoclastic interpretation of Chinese medicine. This is without doubt the most important contribution to the field in the modern era. At last, Chinese medicine makes sense. Surprisingly accessible, this work is a must read for doctors East and West." Michael Tai, PhD (Cambridge) Research Associate Cambridge University "This is a book which should not be missed by anyone with an interest in Chinese medicine." Emeritus Professor Donald Gillies Dept of Science and Technology Studies University College, London "A fascinating book with special implications for medical professionals evaluating TCM as a genuine science and therapeutic armamentaria." The American Journal of Chinese Medicine "I enjoyed reading the book and applaud the seriousness with which the author tackles the difficult problem of evaluating TCM and his recognition of the amount of work that still has to be done." Professor Sir Geoffrey Lloyd Needham Research Institute Cambridge University "A scientific, historical, philosophical and at times unconventional interpretation of TCM. It is a refreshing read and highly recommended to anyone who wishes to explore and understand TCM better in order to improve and maintain one’s health." Dr Koh Hwee Ling Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy National University of Singapore "The core of this book deals with the epistemological issues concerning the scientific status of medical conjectures in Traditional Chinese Medicine, very intelligently written and bringing to bear a great deal of common sense and good philosophy. There is much that is highly original in it." Peter J Clark Professor Philosophy University of St Andrews "Lucid, brilliant explanation of the terminology and principles of TCM and its approach to the management of syndromes. This is a book that anyone with even the slightest interest in complementary medicine should read." Dr Teoh Eng Soon MBBS, MD, FRCOG, FACS Gynecologist and former lecturer NUS Medical School As the world’s most comprehensive and deeply researched system of alternative and complementary medicine, Chinese medicine enjoys a large following in scientifically developed communities. Yet its concepts and principles have been shrouded in mystery and obscure language. This path-breaking book strips this ancient science of its mystique and metaphysical pretentions and interprets it to strike common ground with biomedical science. Concepts like qi and meridians are interpreted not as physical entities or energy forms, but as constructs to facilitate diagnosis and therapy using heuristic models based on clinical experience. Written for medical professionals, philosophers of medicine and discerning readers interested in holistic therapies, the book offers a unique perspective of the role of Chinese medicine in an advanced biomedical world. It has practical chapters on the treatment of chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome and cancer, and a compilation of common Chinese herbs and formulations.
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