Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity: Current Status, Consequences and Prevention, Second Edition examines the current childhood obesity epidemic, outlines the consequences of this crisis, and develops strategies to forestall and prevent it. This book provides a thorough investigation of the causes of childhood obesity and, more importantly, offers specific prevention strategies that can be used by medical and mental health professionals, policymakers, community organizers, and individuals. New chapters on BMI and cardiovascular disease, exercise, neurotransmitters, neurocognition, nutrigenomics and combined prevention strategies are included, making this a solid introduction on the childhood obesity crisis.
Researchers, practitioners, and advanced students in public health, health policy, and health economics, as well those working in medicine, pharmacy, nutrition, school health, physiology, and neuroscience related to obesity will find this to be a comprehensive resource.
Section I: Epidemiology and Prevalence 1. Children Obesity: From a Pediatrician’s Viewpoint 2. Salient Features on Children Obesity from the Viewpoint of Nutritionists 3. Pathways Leading to Childhood Obesity 4. The Measurement and Epidemiology of Childhood Obesity 5. Good Enough Parenting, Self-Regulation and the Management of Weight-Related Problems 6. Nursing Perspective on Childhood Obesity 7. Childhood Obesity: From an Exercise Physiologists’ Viewpoint 8. Childhood Body Mass Index as an Indicator of Adult Cardiovascular Risk Factors 9. Contemporary Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Patterns in US Childhood Obesity 10. Prediabetes among obese youth 11. Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: An Emerging Epidemic Among Obese Youth 12. Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in US Youth Section II: Pathophysiology 13. Emerging pathways to Child Obesity starts from the Mothers’ Womb: A Prospective View 14. The Social, Cultural and Familial Contexts Contributing to Childhood Obesity 15. Cardiovascular Risk Clustering in Obese Children 16. A Link between Maternal and Childhood Obesity 17. Is prenatal exposure to maternal obesity linked to child mental health? 18. Sleep and the Epidemic of Obesity in Children 20. Cellular remodeling during the growth of the adipose tissue, Coralie Sengenes 21. Children Obesity, Glucose Tolerance, Ghrelin and Prader Willi Syndrome 22. Insulin Resistance in Pediatric Obesity - Physiological Effects and Possible Diet Treatment 23. Role of Fatty Liver Disease in Childhood Obesity Section III: Psychological and Behavioral Factors 24. An Overview of Psychological Symptoms in Obese Children 25. Childhood obesity: Depression, anxiety and recommended therapeutic strategies 26. The Emotional Impact of Obesity on Children 27. Psychiatric Illness, Psychotropic Medication and Childhood Obesity 28. Childhood Obesity: Public Health Impact and Policy Responses 29. Childhood Obesity and Juvenile Diabetes 30. Childhood Obesity, Type II Diabetes and Bone Health Section V: Prevention and Treatment 31. A Community-Level Perspective for Childhood Obesity Prevention 32. Neuro-cognition, Self-regulation, and Obesity 33. Combining Nutrition Education, Foodservice (Feeding Programs), and Physical Activity Obesity Prevention Interventions for Children: Significant Improvements in the Health and Academic Achievement of Young Children 34. Nutrigenomics based Prevention for the Obesity in Korean Children 35. School-Based Physical Activity and Nutrition Curriculum in the Prevention of Childhood Obesity 36. School-Based Obesity Prevention Interventions Show Promising Improvements in the Health and Academic Achievements among Ethnically-Diverse Young Children 37. School and Community-Based Physical Education and Healthy Active Living Programs: Holistic Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States 38. Schools as *Laboratories* for Obesity Prevention: Proven Effective Models 39. Fitness and Fatness in Childhood Obesity: Implications of Physical Activity 40. Pharmacotherapy in Childhood Obesity, 41. Beverage Interventions to Prevent Child Obesity 42. Psychotherapy as an Intervention for Child Obesity 43. Childhood obesity: Psychological correlates and recommended therapeutic strategies 44. The Role of Arginine for Treating Obese Youth 45. Prevention of Child Obesity by Natural Products Section VI: Commentary and Recommendations 46. The Role of United States’ Law to Prevent and Control Childhood Obesity 47. Childhood Obesity as an Amplifier of Societal Inequality in the United States 48. Child Obesity, Food Choice and Market Influence 49. The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity 50. Evaluation and Management of Childhood Obesity in Primary Care Settings 51. The Future Directions of Children Obesity and Clinical Management
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