Handbook of Nutrition, Diet, and the Eye, Second Edition, thoroughly addresses common features and etiological factors on how dietary and nutritional factors affect the eye. The ocular system is perhaps one of the least studied organs in diet and nutrition, yet the consequences of vision loss are devastating. There are a range of ocular defects that have either their origin in nutritional deficiencies/excess or have been shown to respond favorably to nutritional components. Featuring a new section on animal model studies where both the ocular problem and dietary remedies can be varied, there are also new chapters on dietary supplements.
A. Introductions and overviews 1. The eye and vision: an overview B. Macular degeneration 2. Overview of risk factors for age-related macular degeneration 3. Age-Related Macular Degeneration 4. The role of lipids and lipid metabolism in age related macular degeneration 5. Dietary Hyperlipidaemia And Retinal Microaneurysms 6. Antioxidants And Age-Related Macular Degeneration 7. Dietary patterns and Age-related Macular Degeneration 8. Resveratrol and the human retina 9. Vitamin D and Age-Related Macular Degeneration C. Glaucomas and Cataracts 10. Glaucoma: an overview 11. Quercetin and Glaucoma 12. Glaucoma and antioxidant status 13. Role Of Natural Products In Glaucoma Management 14. Cataracts: an overview 15. Role of amino acids on prevention of lens proteins non-enzymatic glycation in vitro, in senile and diabetic cataract 16. Diabetic cataract and role of antiglycating phytochemicals D. Other Eye Conditions 17. Effects of Coffee and Tea on Ocular Health and Disease 18. Molecular Pathways, Green Tea Extract, (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate, and Ocular Tissue 19. Dry Eye Disease and Essential Fatty Acids 20. Effect of glucosamine on intraocular pressure 21. Nutrition and viral infections of the eye 22. Effects of grape-enriched antioxidant diet on retinal pigment epithelium organelles under oxidative stress E. Obesity and Macronutrients 23. The Impact of Low Omega-3 Fatty Acids Diet On The Development Of The Visual System 24. Interlinks Between Vitamin A and Retinopathy 25. Molecular aspects of carotenoid metabolizing enzymes and implications for ophthalmology 26. Interconnecting the Mediterranean Diet and age-related macular degeneration F. Micronutrients 27. Optic neuropathies caused by micronutrient deficiencies 28. Vitamin C and L-Arginine in Retinal cells and Its Relationship with the visual System 29. Bariatric (weight-loss) Surgery and the Eye 30. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, intraocular pressure, and glaucoma G. Nutraceuticals 31. Anticataractogenic potential of dietary spices in diabetic condition 32. Fruit and vegetable intake and the macular pigment optical density 33. Gene expression and the impact of an antioxidant supplement in the cataractous lens 34. Statins and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Implications For Dietary Intake 35. Citicoline and eye health 36. Vitamin C functions in the cornea: Ultra-structural features in ascorbate deficiency
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