A great deal of research has been conducted on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Although highly interrelated, these three areas have developed largely independently of one another.
Introduction: Integrating Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship to Enhance the Organization’s Capability to Navigate in the New Competitive Landscape; Christina E. Shalley, Michael A. Hitt, and Jing Zhou; Part 1: Organizational Creativity; ; 1. Leadership and Creativity: The Mechanism Perspective; Shung Jae Shin; 2. Empowerment and Employee Creativity: A Cross-Level Integrative Model; Xiaomeng Zhang and Kathryn M. Bartol; 3. Rewards’ Relationship to Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Kris Byron and Shalini Khazanchi; 4. Entrepreneurial Creativity: The Role of Learning Processes and Work Environment Supports; Michele Rigolizzo and Teresa Amabile; 5. An Identity Perspective on Creative Action in Organizations; Pamela Tierney; 6. Psychological Bricolage: Integrating Social Identity to Produce Creative Solutions; Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Matthew J. Karlesky, and Fiona Lee; 7. The Role of Antagonism in the Identities of Professional Artistic Workers; Kimberly D. Elsbach and Alexzandra Caldwell-Wenman; 8. Play, Flow, and Timelessness; Charalampos Mainemelis and Dionysios D. Dionysiou; 9. The Mood and Creativity Puzzle; Geir Kaufmann; 10. Does Passion Fuel Entrepreneurship and Job Creativity? A Review and Preview of Passion Research; Xiao-Ping Chen, Dong Liu, and Wei He; 11. Creativity in Teams: A Key Building Block for Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Lucy L. Gilson, Hyoun Sook Lim, Robert C. Litchfield, and Paul W. Gilson; 12. Social Networks, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship; Jill Perry-Smith and Pier Vittorio Mannucci; 13. A Cross-level Perspective on Creativity at Work: Person-in-Situation Interaction; Daan van Knippenberg and Giles Hirst; 14. Ethics and Creativity; Long Wang and J. Keith Murnighan; 15. A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Creativity; Kwok Leung and Jie Wang; 16. Is All Creativity Created Equal: Exploring Differences in the Creative Processes Across the Creativity Types; Kerrie L. Unsworth and Aleksandra Luksyte; Part 2: Innovation; 17. Organizing Creativity: Lessons from the Eureka! Ranch Experience; Ronald K. Mitchell, J. Brock Smith, Jeffrey A. Stamp, and James Carlson; 18. Business Innovation Processes; Raghu Garud, Philipp Tuertscher, and Andrew H. Van de Ven; 19. Innovating Without Information Constraints: Organizations, Communities, and Innovation When Information Costs Approach Zero; Elizabeth J. Altman, Frank Nagle, and Michael L. Tushman; 20. Product to Platform Transitions: Organizational Identity Implications; Elizabeth J. Altman and Mary Tripsas; 21. Business Model Innovation: Toward a Process Perspective; Cristoph Zott and Raphael Amit; 22. Institutional Innovation: Novel, Useful, and Legitimate; Ryan Raffaelli and Mary Ann Glynn; 23. Dynamic Managerial Capabilities: A Perspective on the Relationship between Managers, Creativity, and Innovation in Organizations; Constance E. Helfat and Jeffrey Martin; Part 3: Entrepreneurship; 24. Prigogine’s Theory of Dynamics of Far-From-Equilibrium Systems: Applications to Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organizational Evolution; Robert A. Burgelman; 25. Why Aren’t Entrepreneurs More Creative? Conditions Affecting Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurial Activity; Howard E. Aldrich and Martha A. Martinez; 26. Entrepreneurship as Emergence; Michael H. Morris and Justin W. Webb; 27. Corporate Entrepreneurship: Accelerating Creativity and Innovation in Organizations; Donald F. Kuratko; 28. Entrepreneurial Identity and Resource Acquisition: The Role of Venture Identification; Greg Fisher adn Suresh Kotha; 29. Socioemotional Wealth: An Obstacle or a Springboard to Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Family Firms?; Cristina Cruz, Shainaz Firfiray, Marianna Makri, and Luis R. Gomez-Mejia; Index
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