Playing for Real is a problem-based textbook on game theory that has been widely used at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Coursepack Edition contains only the material necessary for a course of ten two-hour lectures plus problem classes. It comes with a disc of teaching aids including the author’s own lecture presentations and two series of weekly exercise sets with answers.
Lecture 1: Getting Locked In; In this introductory lecture, a famous game called the Prisoners’ Dilemma is; introduced and used to illustrate how game theory can be used to clarify a; variety of strategic problems. The idea of a Nash equilibrium makes its first; appearance.; Lecture 2: Backing Up; This chapter starts to explain how one can specify the rules of a game by; introducing the idea of a game tree. We learn how some games can be solved; by backward induction.; Lecture 3: Taking Chances; Chance moves are introduced. Bayes rule for updating conditional probabilities; appears for the first time.; Lecture 4: Accounting for Tastes; We learn that a rational player in a risky situation will behave as though maximizing; the expected value of a Von Neumann and Morgenstern utility function.; Lecture 5: Planning Ahead; The ideas of an extensive and strategic form of a game are consolidated. We; learn the mechanics of successively deleting dominated strategies.; Lecture 6: Mixing Things Up; Rational players will sometimes need to randomoize their strategy choice to; keep their opponents guessing. This chapter explains how to work with such; mixed strategies.; Lecture 7: Buying Cheap and Selling Dear; This chapter is an introduction to the use of game theory in economics. Students; of economics will find most topics are treated from a different angle than; they have probably seem before.; Lecture 8: Repeating Yourself; Most of the games we play in real life are repeated over and over again. This; makes a big difference to how they get played.; Lecture 9: Getting Together; This chapter applies game theory to bargaining.; Lecture 10: Knowing What to Believe; One of the big successes of game theory lies in its ability to handle some; situations in which players have good reason to conceal information from each; other.; Lecture 11: Taking Charge; This lecture is an optional extra about auctions and mechanism design. It can; serve as a possible substitute for Lecture 8 or 9.
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