These two volumes present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain death and the uses of the dead and decision-making at the end of life, including the use of advance directives and decision-making about the continuation, discontinuation, or futility of treatment for competent and incompetent patients and children. Volume II, on justice and hastening death, examines whether there is a difference between killing and letting die, issues about physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and questions about distributive justice and decisions about life and death.
Contents: Volume I: Series preface; Introduction: death and consent; Part I Death: The Nature of Death: On defining a ’natural death’, Daniel Callahan; Why is death bad?, Anthony L. Brueckner and John Martin Fischer; Some puzzles about the evil of death, Fred Feldman; Brain Death and the Uses of the Dead: Brain death and personal identity, Michael B. Green and Daniel Wikler; Brain death: a durable consensus?, Daniel Wikler; The dead donor rule: should we stretch it, bend it, or abandon it?, Robert M. Arnold and Stuart J Youngner; Some must die, Stuart J. Youngner. Part II Decision-Making at the End of Life: Competent Patients: Medical paternalism, Allen Buchanan; Arrogance, Franz J. Inglefinger; Depression, competence and the right to refuse life-saving medical treatment, Mark D. Sullivan and Stuart J. Youngner; Advance Directives: Do-not-resuscitate orders: no longer secret but still a problem, Stuart J. Youngner ; Advance directives and the personal identity problem, Allen Buchanan; Why I don’t have a living will, Joanne Lynn; Incompetent Patients: Deciding for others, Alan Buchanan and Dan Brock; The severely demented, minimally functional patient: an ethical analysis, John D. Arras; Terminating life-sustaining treatment of the demented, Daniel Callahan; Quality of life and non-treatment decisions for incompetent patients: a critique of the orthodox approach, Rebecca S. Dresser and John A. Robertson; Continued treatment of the fatally ill for the benefit of others, Mark Yarborough; The problem of proxies with interests of their own: toward a better theory of proxy decisions, John Hardwig; Courts, gender and ’the right to die’, Steven H. Miles and Allison August; Children: Moral and ethical dilemmas in the special-care nursery, Raymond S. Duff and A.G.M. Campbell; Involuntary euthanasia of defective newborns: a legal analysis, John A. Robertson; Toward an ethic of ambiguity, John D. Arras; Futility: Judging medical futility: an ethical analysis of medical power and responsibility, Nancy S. Jecker and Lawrence J. Schneiderman; Is the treatment beneficial, experimental or futile?, Lawrence J. Schneiderman and Nancy S. Jecker; Informed demand for ’non-beneficial’ medical treatment, Steven H. Miles; The significance of a wish, Felicia Ackerman; Name index.Volume II: Series preface; Introduction: justice and hastening death; Part III Hastening Death: Killing vs Letting Die: Active and passive euthanasia, James Rachels; The intentional termination of life, Bonnie Steinbock; The ambiguity of clinical intentions, Timothy E. Quill ; Killing, letting die and the trolley problem, Judith Jarvis Thomson; Taking and saving lives, Eric Rakowski; Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Euthanasia, Phillipa Foot; Some non-religious views against proposed ’mercy-killing legislation’, Yale Kamisar; Voluntary active euthanasia, Dan W. Brock; It’s over, Debbie, Anonymous; Death and dignity: the case of individualized decision making, Timothy E. Quill; Euthanasia: the way we do it , the way they do it, Margaret P. Battin; Doctors must not kill, Edmund D. Pellegrino; When self-determination runs amok, Daniel Callahan; Assisted death – a compassionate response to medical failure, Howard Brody; A right to self-termination, J.David Vellman; The supreme court and physician-assisted suicide: rejecting suicide but embracing euthanasia, David Orentlicher; Physician-assisted suicide: two moral arguments, Judith Jarvis Thomson. Part IV Distributive Justice and Decisions About Life and Death: Justice, Health and Death: An ethical framework for access to health care, President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research; For and against equal access to healthcare, Amy Gutmann; Class, health and justice, Sarah Marchand, Daniel Wikler and Bruce Landesman; The prostitute, the playboy, and the poet: rationing schemes for organ transplantation, George J. Annas; The survival lottery, John Harris; Age Rationing: Aging and the ends of medicine, Daniel Callahan; Am I my parents’ keeper?, Norman Daniels; Is there a Duty to Die?: Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?, Margaret P. Battin; Is there a duty to die?, John Hardwig; ’For now have I my death’: the ’duty to die’ versus the duty to help the ill stay alive, Felicia Akerman; Name index.
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