This unique volume explicitly examines the contemporary status of African American males from adolescence to adulthood, while implicitly challenging how normative masculine identity and historical marginalization complicate individual and familial engagement between social work, social welfare, and African American males.
1. From Shortys to Old Heads: Contemporary Social Trajectories of African American Males Across the Life Course, Waldo E. Johnson, Jr.; Part I. African American Males’ Individual and Family Roles; 2. Making Room for Daddy: The Unmarried Adolescent Father’s Role in Pregnancy, Constance M. Dallas and Karen Kavanaugh; 3. Intergenerational Support and Reciprocity Between Low-Income African American Fathers and Their Aging Mothers, Kevin M. Roy, Omari L. Dyson, and Ja-Nee Jackson; 4. Life after PRWORA: The Involvement of African American Fathers With Welfare-Reliant Children and the Child Support Enforcement System, David J. Pate; 5. Men Do Matter: The Socially Supportive Role of the African American Uncle in the Lives of Single-Female Headed Households and At-Risk African American Male Youth, Joseph B. Richardson, Jr.; 6. Academic Achievement, Peer Influences, and Sexual Behaviors Among High School African American Adolescent Boys, Dexter R. Voisin and Torsten B. Neilands; Part II. Educational Issues Facing African American Males; 7. Promising Practices: The Positive Effects of After-School Programs for African American Male Development and Educational Progress, Reginald Clark, Alexes Harris, Kimberly A. White-Smith, Walter R. Allen, and Barbara A. Ray; 8. Academic Engagement of Black Male Student Athletes: Implications for Practice in Secondary and Postsecondary Schooling, Eddie Comeaux; Part III. Mental and Physical Health Statuses and Challenges to African American Male Development and Social Functioning; 9. What are Depressed African American Adolescent Males Saying about Mental Health Services and Providers?, Michael A. Lindsey and Fatima Mirza; 10. Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope: Stress, Coping, and Problem Behaviors Among Young African American Males, M. Daniel Bennett, Jr. and Finake Olugbala; 11. Health and Young African American Men: An Inside View, Joseph E. Ravenell; 12. Health and Health Care Service Use Among Middle-Class Black Men, Sherrill L. Sellers, Vence Bonham, Harold W. Neighbors, and Shuntay McCoy; 13. At the Intersection of HIV/AIDS Disparities: Young African American Men who Have Sex With Men, Brian Mustanki, Amy Stauffer, and Robert Garofalo; 14. Suicide Among African Americans: A Male’s Burden, Sean Joe; Part IV. Life Chances: Violence and Incarceration Among African American Males ; 15. Cultural Interventions for Reducing Violence Among Young, African American Males, Lance Williams; 16. Incarceration and Family Formation, Charles E. Lewis, Jr.; 17. Understanding the Economic Costs of Incarceration for African American Males, Mark L. Joseph; Part V. Conclusion; 18. The African American Male: The Social Policy Challenge of the 21st Century, Earl S. Johnson, III and Waldo E. Johnson, Jr.
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