Maurizio Popoli, University of Milano, Milano, Italy; David Diamond, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA; Gerard Sanacora, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA / 2016-09-03 / Springer New York
Kazuo Emoto, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Rachel Wong, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Eric Huang, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; Casper Hoogenra / 2016-08-30 / Springer Japan
Christine K鰌pl, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany; Geoffrey A. Manley, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany; Arthur N. Popper, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U / 2016-08-27 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Eugenio F. Fornasiero, Department of Neuro- and Sensory Physiology,University of G鰐tingen Medical Center, G鰐tingen, Germany; Silvio O. Rizzoli, Department of Neuro- and Sensory Physiology,University / 2016-08-27 / Humana Press
Bruno Colombo, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy; Roberto Teggi, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy / 2016-08-23 / Springer International Publishing
Allan V. Kalueff, Tulane University Neuroscience Program, New Orleans, LA, USA; Adam Michael Stewart, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA / 2016-08-23 / Humana Press
Brent A. Reynolds, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; Loic P. Deleyrolle, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA / 2016-08-23 / Humana Press
Marzia Martina, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Stefano Taverna, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy / 2016-08-23 / Humana Press
Shohreh Amini, Temple University College of Science & Technology, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Martyn K. White, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA / 2016-08-23 / Humana Press
Giuliano Gentili, S. Camillo de’ Lellis General Hospital, Rieti, Italy; Mario Di Napoli, S. Camillo de’ Lellis General Hospital, Rieti, Italy / 2016-08-23 / Springer International Publishing
Christoph Mulert, Universit鋞sklinikum M黱chen Psychiatrische Klinik, M黱chen, Germany; Louis Lemieux, University College London Inst. Neurology, London, UK / 2016-08-23 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Helena Knotkova, Metropolitan Jewish Health Systems (MJHS), New York, NY, USA; Dirk Rasche, Department of Neurosurgery University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck, Germany / 2016-08-23 / Springer New York
Paolo Bartolomeo, INSERM, Brain and Spine Institute, H魀ital de la Salp阾ri鑢e, Paris, France, Department of Psychology, Catholic University, Milan, Italy / 2016-08-23 / Springer London
Hans J. ten Donkelaar, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Martin Lammens, University Hospital Antwerpen, Edegem, Belgium; Akira Hori, Fukushimura Hospital, Toyohash / 2016-08-23 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Cynthia A. Riccio, Texas A&M University , COLLEGE STATION, TX, USA; Jeremy R. Sullivan, University of TexasSan Antonio , SAN ANTONIO, TX, USA / 2016-08-18 / Springer International Publishing
David J. Reinkensmeyer, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA; Volker Dietz, University Hospital Balgrist, Zürich, Switzerland / 2016-08-17 / Springer International Publishing
Stilianos E. Kountakis, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA; Brent A. Senior, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Wolfgang Draf, Fu / 2016-08-16 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg