预订 Optimal Control Problems Related to the Robinson–Solow–Srinivasan Model

与 Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan 模型相关的最优控制问题

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This book is devTedToThe Tudy of classes of oTimal coTrol problems arising in economic groThTheory, relTedToThe Robinson–Solow–Srinivasan (RSS) model.The model was iTroduced inThe 1960s by economiTs Joan Robinson, RobeT Solow, andThirukodikaval NilakaTa Srinivasan and was fuTher Tudied by Robinson, Nobuo Okishio, and Joseph TiglTz. SinceThen,The Tudy ofThe RSS model has become an impoTaT elemeT of economic dynamics. InThis book,Two large general classes of oTimal coTrol problems, bTh ofThem coTainingThe RSS model as a paTicular case, are preseTed for Tudy. ForTheseTwo classes, aTurnpikeTheory is developed andThe exiTence of solTionsToThe corresponding infinTe horizon oTimal coTrol problems is eTablishedThe book coTains 9 chaTers. ChaTer 1 discussesTurnpike propeTies for some oTimal coTrol problemsThT are known inThe lTerTure, including problems correspondingToThe RSS model.The firT class of oTimal coTrol problems is Tudied in Chaps. 2–6. In Chap. 2, infinTe horizon oTimal coTrol problems wTh nonaTonomous oTimalTy crTeria are considered.The TilTy funTions, which dTermineThe oTimalTy crTerion, are nonconcave.This class of models coTainsThe RSS model as a paTicular case.The TabilTy ofTheTurnpike phenomenon ofThe one-dimensional nonaTonomous concave RSS model is analyzed in Chap. 3.The following chaTerTakes upThe Tudy of a class of aTonomous nonconcave oTimal coTrol problems, a subclass of problems considered in Chap. 2.The equivalence ofTheTurnpike propeTy andThe asymTTicTurnpike propeTy, as well asThe TabilTy ofTheTurnpike phenomenon, is eTablished.Turnpike condTions andThe TabilTy ofTheTurnpike phenomenon for nonaTonomous problems are examined in Chap. 5, wTh Chap. 6 devTedToThe Tudy ofTheTurnpike propeTies forThe one-dimensional nonaTonomous nonconcave RSS model.The TilTy funTions, which dTermineThe oTimalTy crTerion, are nonconcave.The class of RSS models is ideTified wTh a complTe mTric space of TilTy funTions. UsingThe Baire cTegory approach,TheTurnpike phenomenon is shownTo hold for moT ofThe models. ChaTer 7 beginsThe Tudy ofThe second large class of aTonomous oTimal coTrol problems, andTurnpike condTions are eTablished.The TabilTy ofTheTurnpike phenomenon forThis class of problems is inveTigTed fuTher in Chaps. 8 and 9.
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