This edited volume explores the idea that educational success in Scandinavian countries can be attributed to the inherent connectedness of teacher ethics and teaching quality, providing inspiration to teachers and school systems outside Scandinavia.Acknowledging that Scandinavian school systems are known for mirroring the welfare systems and democratic societies with respect for both institutions and individuals, this book explores new educational demands, possibilities, and research developments taking place in Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that place the education system, and teachers’ professional development and identities, under pressure. Chapters address teacher ethics and quality in relation to topics such as the dialogical teacher, democratic teaching, parental collaboration, and the ethics of classroom management to inform non-Scandinavian, international school systems and teacher education initiatives.Discussing current developments in the Scandinavian school systems and the emerging educational ideas and practices within them, this book will appeal to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students studying teachers and teacher education, moral and values education, and teacher identities more broadly. It will also be useful to policymakers and teacher educators involved with teachers’ professional development more broadly.
1. Introduction. A Scandinavian Perspective on Teacher and Teaching Quality and Teacher Ethics. Merete Wiberg and Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen.
Part 1: Society
2. Redefining teacher quality in the context of increased accountability in Norway: Professional ethics ‘as practiced’. Sølvi Mausethagen, Hilde Afdal and Galina Shavard.3. Growing external influence on teacher thinking and practice: policies, governances, and discourses. Lejf Moos.4. Teacher qualities that make teachers stay in the profession: Addressing teacher shortage in Nordic countries with ethics of care. Clemens Wieser. 5. Teacher professional ethics, teaching and Quality in Context: A Commentary. Joanna Madalinska-Michalak.
Part 2: School
6. Teachers’ ethic of play care. Maria Øksnes, Ingvild Olsen Olaussen, Kristine Warhuus Smeby and Else Johansen Lyngseth7. Epochal key questions for the reformed Danish teacher education. Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen.8. Combining a safe psychosocial environment and professionalism – Norwegian teachers’ responsibility and accountability in enacting the Education Act. Annette-Pascale Denfeld. 9. Ethical and Moral Perspectives in Leading Schools. Åsa Söderström and Annette F. Seiser.10. Why does a teacher remain at a high-risk school? Reflections on ethics and teaching quality in a culturally diverse and socioeconomically disadvantaged school in Denmark. Karen Bjerg Petersen.11. Ethical issues in free play, teacher training, education law, school leadership and staff turnover: A commentary. Bruce Maxwell.
Part 3: Classroom
12. The teacher’s primary responsibility is the uniqueness of every child. The radically learner-sensitive pedagogy of Anna Sethne. Einar Sundsdal.13. Teaching with tolerance. Students’ surprisingly positive participation in an out-of-school
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