The experiences of health and illness, death and dying, the normal and the pathological have always been an integral part of literary texts. This volume considers how the two dynamic fields of medicine and literature have crossed over, and how they have developed alongside one another. It asks how medicine, as both science and practice, shapes the representation of illness and transforms literary form. It considers how literary texts across genres and languages of disease have put forward specific conceptions of medicine and impacted its practice. Taking into account the global, multilingual and multicultural contexts, this volume systematically outlines and addresses this double-sidedness of the literature-medicine connection. Literature and Medicine covers a broad spectrum of conceptual, thematic, theoretical, and methodological approaches that provide a solid foundation for understanding a vibrant interdisciplinary field.
Part I. Origins: Histories: 1. Guts, hollows, and coils: Inside stories in ancient literature Chiara Thumiger; 2. Medieval affect, the book of Margery Kempe, and medical treatments of the embodied Self Holly A. Crocker; 3. Epidemiological language in Robert Burton’s the anatomy of melancholy Jennifer Radden; 4. Illness and the novel aesthetics Hosanna Krienke; 5. Embodies traumas in twentieth and twenty-first century literature Alan Gibbs; Part II. Developments: Forms: 6. Illness and the ’fall’ of language Steven Wilson; 7. Translating chronic pain and the ethics of reading in the personal essay Marie Allitt; 8. Physician-poets and vitalist theories of life James Morland; 9. Healthcare anecdotes and the medically anecdotal Brian Hurwitz; 10. Literary realism and mental breakdown Josie Billington; 11. Time and narrative in the age of postnatural death: Maylis de Kerangal’s the heart Jared Stark; 12. Performance and/as contagion in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic Małgorzata Sugiera; 13. The parallel chart as medico-literary practice Daniel Eison; 14. Articulating the experiential in graphic medicine Kimberly R. Myers; Part III. Applications: Politics: 15. Malaria literature: (Post) colonial perspectives, infection, and the question of mobility Jessica Howell and Oishani Sengupta; 16. Forgotten class: French literature, medicine, and poverty Loïc Bourdeau; 17. The human endeavor: bioethics and biocapitalism in Don DeLillo’s Zero K Justin Omar Johnston; 18. Re-framing and Re-forming disability and literature Susannah B. Mintz; 19. Overcoming decline (in) Narrative: Epdisodicity in stories of dementia and ageing Martina Zimmermann; 20. Literature as a form of care? From therapeutic narratives to the literature of care Alexandre Gefen; 21. Literature in collaboration: The work of literature in the critical medical humanities Angela Woods and James Rákóczi; Afterword: Medicine and literature after COVID-19 Anna M. Elsner and Monika Pietrzak-Franger.
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