Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience delves into the pressing concerns surrounding climate change and its profound impacts on the quality of life (QoL) experienced by individuals and communities worldwide. This book explores the intricate relationship between climate change, variability, and QoL in both rural and urban settings. It undertakes a detailed review of QoL assessments to examine the extent to which climatic changes and livability conditions are incorporated into existing evaluations. By shedding light on the critical need to consider climatic factors in measuring and comparing QoL, especially in the context of creating aging-friendly and climate-neutral cities, this publication addresses a significant research gap.To answer the question of how climate change and its variability impact the QoL of living beings across diverse geographical settings, this book expands our understanding of this crucial topic through reporting and documentation of the associations between climatic changes and QoL, particularly in understudied rural and urban areas. Furthermore, the book emphasizes resilience as a critical factor in maintaining urban QoL and developing sustainable living environments.A key contribution of this work lies in the exploration of various models adopted worldwide to enhance resilience and create sustainable living environments in the face of climate change. By examining these models, the book strives to identify effective solutions for maintaining and enhancing QoL, as well as building resilient systems capable of withstanding climate change and variability.This book presents prospective themes, including sustainable solutions, mitigation strategies, and models to enhance socio-ecological resilience. The chapters within the book cover a wide range of topics including climatic variations and future projections, technological advancements in climate change mitigation, implications for residential and non-residential areas, industrial solutions, SDG attainment, mitigation strategies, QoL measurement instruments, and urban QoL models. By addressing these themes, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex interactions between climate change, QoL, and the pursuit of sustainable development. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, academicians, policymakers, civil society groups, think tanks, government and non-government organizations, international agencies, and other interested parties seeking to deepen their knowledge and capacity in the field of climate change and its impacts on QoL and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) attainment.
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