Absence of principles or strategies to guide veterinary practitioners in the process of rational decision-making on behalf of patients, can sometimes result in decisions which, when examined retrospectively, appear to be irrational, or difficult to justify based on information in medical records. In author’s experience, each hospital has a unique culture or philosophy of practice which profoundly influences the way in which its clinicians make decisions. These influences are known as the "hidden curriculum," where clinicians are implicitly expected to adopt systems and protocols that align with the philosophy of the practice. Decision Making in Veterinary Practice is a largely experience-based book based on author’s opinions and experiences. Author contends that the absence of rational principles for clinical decision-making often has far greater consequences for our patients than our relative knowledge of medicine or surgery. Veterinarians should provide their clients and their animals with the benefit of not only their compassion, but also their wisdom, reflected by judicious decisions. Aim is to begin examining some of the most important issues facing veterinary practitioners.Decision Making in Veterinary Practice primary goal is to examine the process of veterinary decision-making. Many considerations that influence clinical outcomes are addressed including why the time of day and the day of the week matter, why patient weight should be an important determinant of course of action, when it is reasonable to perform a therapeutic trial, and criteria to determine the potential success of a therapeutic trial. Normative ethics is a branch of philosophy where one seeks to determine principles of good and bad, better or worse, or right and wrong behaviors and attitudes, i.e., what one ought to do. A largely experience-based book based on author’s opinions and experiences of clinical cases Covers fundamental concepts in making clinical decisions, practices offering diagnosis and treatment Addresses an analysis of clinical decisions that influence clinical outcomes, useful in teaching veterinary students and practitioners Aims to examine some of the most important issues facing veterinary practitioners Offers insights on clinical decision-making and clinical reasoning Discusses topics on informed consent, cognitive biases, therapeutic trials Follows diagnostic decisions and advanced treatments Examines the process of veterinary professional and clinical decision-making Asserts studies on patient advocacy and economics Includes illustrations that demonstrate common modes of decision-making with the goal of improving the quality of veterinary clinical reasoning and thoughtfulness Includes tables offering step-by-step guidance on clinical decision making Provides case studies for context and to encourage reflection
Decision-Making in Veterinary Practice Acknowledgments Introduction Section 1-Fundamental Concepts in Making Clinical Decisions 1-How to Determine Your Success as a Clinician 2-How to Obtain a Patient History 3-Informed Consent 4-Risks, Benefits, and Ageism 5-The Most Important Things an Owner Needs to Know 6-Euthanasia 7-Referrals 8-The Influence of Economics on Decision-Making 9-How to Optimize Patient Outcomes 10-Medical Errors Section 2-Principles of Diagnosis 11-The Influence of Patient Weight on Decision-Making 12-The Influence of Age and Aging on Decision-Making 13-The Day of the Week Matters 14-The Time-of-Day Matters 15-Serial Monitoring of Laboratory Results 16-Overdiagnosis and Useful Diagnosis 17-The Minimum Database 18-In What Order Should Tests be Performed? 19- Diagnostic Errors 20-Providing a Prognosis Section 3-Principles of Treatment 21-Inpatient or Outpatient? 22-The Therapeutic Trial 23-Interpreting Therapeutic Outcomes 24-Setting Goals and Therapeutic Endpoints 25-Pain Management
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