Essential oils, well-known for their remarkable properties, have played a ubiquitous role throughout human history. They connect us to our past, invoking memories of childhood places and the aromas of our grandparents’ kitchens. From the fragrant scents of ancient Egypt to the natural preservatives found in 15th century Oriental spices, essential oils have the ability to stimulate, numb, and captivate our senses through their effects on the central nervous system. This book presents several innovative studies on the isolation, biological, and pharmacological properties of essential oils, conducted by multidisciplinary groups from different countries.
1. Purification of Essential Oil Compounds by Countercurrent Chromatography
André Mesquita Marques, Shaft Corrêa Pinto, Suzana Guimarães Leitão and Gilda Guimarães Leitão
2. Volatile Compounds in Piperaceae Collected in Arauca-Colombia: Northeastern Region and Colombian-Venezuelan Plains
Geovanna Tafurt-García, Elisa Valenzuela Vergara, Yulanderson Salguero Rodríguez, Rosa Amanda Alegría Macías and Elena Stashenko
3. Chemical Diversity of Essential Oils and Volatile Fractions of Some Plants Found in the Tropical Forest/Savannah from Colombia
Amner Muñoz-Acevedo, María C. González, Osnaider J. Castillo, Cindy P. Guzmán, Nubellys M. Peralta and Martha Cervantes-Díaz
4. Essential Oils’ Chemical Characterization and Investigation of Some Biological Activities: A Demanding Review
Prerna Sharma, Kumar Guarve, Sumeet Gupta, Garima Malik and Kashish Wilson
5. Essential Oils of Medicinal Plants from Northern Peru: Traditional and Scientific Knowledge
Mayar L. Ganoza-Yupanqui, Luz A. Suárez-Rebaza, Edmundo A. Venegas-Casanova, Segundo G. Ruiz-Reyes, Ricardo D.D.G. de Albuquerque and Mayer M. Ganoza-Suárez
6. Traditional Use of Medicinal Plants and Essential Oils
Golshan Zare, N. Yagmur Diker and I. Irem Tatli Çankaya
7. Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from Species Collected in Venezuelan Andean
Janne Rojas and Alexis Buitrago
8. Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Plant Essential Oils from the Phytolaccaceae and Petiveriaceae Families
Suelen Pereira Ruiz Herrig, Evellyn Claudia Wietzikoski Lovato, Juliana Silveira do Valle, Zilda Cristiani Gazim, Camila Frederico, Ana Daniela Lopes, Giani Andrea Linde, Nelson Barros Colauto and Maria Graciela Iecher Faria
9. T
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