This edited book volume aims to bringing out a comprehensive collection of latest information and developments on the management of biotic stresses by the use of rhizospheric microbes across the globe. The main focus of this book is to address the scientific and practical significance of rhizosphere microbes in biotic stress management. The microbial communities in the rhizosphere ecosystem play multitude of microbe-microbe, microbe-insect/pest and plant-microbe interactions and they have not yet been fully exploited to gain benefits in this field as well as to achieve sustainability in agriculture. Among the more recent strategies, stress tolerance/resistance induced by environment-friendly elicitors of microbial origin and/or rhizosphere microorganisms has emerged as a promising supplement in the approaches to crop protection. The proposed book entitled ’Rhizosphere Microbes: Biotic Stress Management” is pertinent to rhizospheric microbe-mediated biotic stress management covering all spheres of biotic stress tolerance viz., bio-resources, diversity, ecology, and functioning of microbial bio-control agents, host–parasite interaction, strategies to characterize microbial bioinoculants, interactions of rhizosphere microbes by developing a fundamental understanding of the microbial communities, exploration of the diverse roles of microbes and microbial communities and their role in biotic stress tolerance, microbe-mediated mitigation of biotic stresses, quorum sensing, microbial signalling and cross-talk in the rhizosphere, biofilm formation, cell-to-cell communication, role of microorganisms in ecosystems functioning under various biotic stress conditions, application of microbial bio-pesticides, molecular studies using microbial systems, etc. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers, crop protection scientists, capacity builders and policymakers. Also the book serves as additional reading material for under-graduate, post-graduate, and post-doctorate fellow of agriculture, forestry, ecology, life science, and environmental sciences. National and international agricultural scientists, policy makers will also find this to be a useful read.
Chapter 1. Detection and identification of soil borne pathogens: Classical to Recent updates.- Chapter 2. Microarray-based detection and identification of bacterial and viral plant pathogens.- Chapter 3. Application molecular ecology approaches in sustainable agriculture for a better understanding of plant microbiome interactions.- Chapter 4. Advancements in detection and diagnosis of important soil-borne diseases.- Chapter 5. Omics approaches to revisit rhizo-bacterial biome.- Chapter 6. Engineering the Plant Microbiome for Biotic Stress tolerance: Biotechnological Advances.- Chapter 7. Potential of bacterial endophytes in biological control of soil borne phytopathogens.- Chapter 8. Endophytes: Rendering systemic resistance to plant.- Chapter 9. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) as Potential Biocontrol Agents.- Chapter 10. Rhizosphere microbes and Wheat Health Management.- Chapter 11. Exploring the potential of secondary metabolites from indigenous Trichoderma spp. for their plant growth promotion and disease suppression ability in pulses.- Chapter 12. Uncultivable soil microbes contributing to sustainable agriculture.- Chapter 13. Rhizosphere microbiome: Significance in sustainable crop protection.- Chapter 14. Bacterial inoculants for control of fungal diseases in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.): A comprehensive overview.- Chapter 15. Plant-Microbe Interaction and Rhizosphere Biology Lab, ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important.- Chapter 16. Prior weakening as a tool to control soilborne plant pathogens and associated disease pressure.
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