This book collates a wide spectrum of topics relevant to contemporary research achievement in sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources and conservation of plant genetic diversity within the framework of different crop systems. It introduces the status of crop genetic diversity and provides prospects for conservation of crop genetic diversity for sustainable agriculture. Plant genetic diversity is crucial for food security and agro-ecosystem maintenance paving ways to achieve sustainable agriculture development. This necessitates, consciously and judiciously, the conservation of all existing plant genetic resources for sustainable use in a variety of applications for human welfare. The wild and traditional landraces have generated an increased interest as a repertoire of valuable traits for breeding and improvement of cultivated germplasm. Internationally, concerted actions and policies toward for the conservation and management of plant genetic diversity are mounting, from the organization levels to national policies as deemed appropriate for the sustainable development goals. This needs an understanding of genetic diversity of different crops, ecological drivers and the structural changes within genetic diversity due to climate change. It is also equally important to evolve knowledge on what, how and where to conserve the existing plant genetic resources for present and future use. Assessment of the genetic diversity presents in a wild and traditional agro-ecosystem is another step towards effective utilization. In the past few years, advanced breeding tools have been developed which have offered great promise for efficient modification of targeted traits. This book consolidates current knowledge in the above core areas of plant genetic diversity and conservation. It is an essential reference for professionals, researchers, policy makers and commercial entrepreneurs concerned with plant genetic diversity and breeding to achieve enhanced agricultural productivity and sustainability of food resources to ensure food security. The book is also invaluable for graduate students involved in agriculture research.
Chapter 1_Plant Biodiversity in the Context of Food Security under Climate Change.- Chapter 2_Biodiversity of Cereal Crops and Utilization in Food and Nutritional Security. -Chapter 3_Genetic Diversity of Grain Legumes for Food and Nutritional Security.- Chapter 4_Genetic Diversity of Food Legumes and OMICS Prospective to Ensure Nutritional Security.- Chapter 5_Biodiversity of Fruit Crops and Utilization in Food and Nutritional Security.- Chapter 6_Genetic Diversity of Vegetable Crops and Utilization in Food and Nutritional Security.- Chapter 7_Utilization of Millet Varieties in Food and Nutritional Security.- Chapter 8_Innovations in Artificial Induction of Plant Genetic Diversity.- Chapter 9_Innovations in Assessment Approaches of Plant Genetic Diversity.- Chapter 10_Application of Genomics in supporting Efficient Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources.- Chapter 11_Genetic Diversity Assessment in Cereal Crops.- Chapter 12_Genetic Diversity Assessment in Grain Legumes.- Chapter 13_Ge. netic Diversity in Brazilian Fruits: Mangaba, Jenipapo and Cambuí.- Chapter 14_Genetic Diversity Assessment in Vegetable Crops. -Chapter 15_Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources: A Case Study from Serbia.- Chapter 16. Sustainable Utilization of Wild Germplasm Resources._Chapter 17. Systematics, Taxonomy, and Sustainable Management of Some Critical Vascular Plant Groups in Central Apennines, Italy._ Chapter 18. Machine Learning-Enhanced Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources.- Chapter 19. Conservation Approaches of Plant Genetic Resources.- Chatper 20. Micropropagation Applications in Conservation of Horticultural Crops.- Chapter 21. Biotechnological Tools for Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity.- Chapter 22. Plant Gene Banks: Conservation of Genetic Resources.- Chapter 23. Evaluation and Documentation of Genetic Resources Collections.- Chapter 24. Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Brazil. -Chapter 25 Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in China.- Chapter 26. Biodiversity and Conservation of Tropical Fruits in India.- Chapter 27. Conservation of plant genetic resources in Italy.- Chapter 28. Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources with Reference to the Pacific Island Countries.- Chapter 29. Diversity and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Saudi Arabia.- Chapter 30. Fruit Trees Genetic Resources in Tunisia: Biodiversity, Challenges and Adapted Strategies for Conservation and Improvement.
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