This book deals with natural hazards of geophysical, meteorological, hydrological, and biological types that are causing increasing social and economic damage. The development of these hazards and their impact on the living and non-living environment are described in the individual chapters. The compilation synthesises a natural and social geography approach, explores mitigation options and focuses attention on the processes that are most prevalent in Europe and Western Asia, in addition to global phenomena.The author argues that, with the right knowledge and preparedness, the wide-ranging impacts of natural hazards intertwined with climate change can be reduced. This work provides a wealth of digitally accessible professional information to help readers identify and manage natural hazards. The book is useful for students, educators, professionals, practitioners, and those interested in decision making.
Introduction .- 1 General analysis of natural hazards.- 1.1 Natural hazards and their types.- 1.2 Interpretation and definitions of natural hazards.- 1.3 Overall impacts and consequences of natural hazards in numbers.- 1.3.1 Human aspects of natural hazards and disasters.- 1.3.2 Economic aspects of natural hazards and disasters.- 1.4 Logical steps for reducing the impacts of natural hazards.- 1.5 Management of natural hazards.- 2 Geophysical hazards.- 2.1 Natural hazards posed by volcanic activity and mitigation options.- 2.1.1 The formation and spatial distribution of volcanoes .- 2.1.2 The intensity of volcanic activity.- 2.1.3 Consequences of volcanic activity and related hazards.- 2.1.4 Relationship of volcanism to other natural hazards.- 2.1.5 Forecasting and mitigating volcanic hazards .- 2.1.6 Monitoring volcanic activity.- 2.1.7 Issues related to forecasting volcanic eruptions .- 2.1.8 Technical tasks related to reducing volcanic damage.- 2.1.9 Human tasks tackling to mitigate the impact of the hazard.- 3 Meteorological hazards - extreme meteorological events.- 3.1 Heat waves.- 3.1.1 Some spatial and temporal characteristics of heat waves.- 3.1.2 Effects of heat waves.- 3.1.3 Heat wave mitigation, responses to heat wave hazards.- 3.2 Cold waves .- 3.3 Fog hazard.- 3.3.1 Hazardous effects of fog and their mitigation.- 4 Hydrological hazards.- 4.1 Flood risk.- 4.1.1 Definition, concepts.- 4.1.2 Parameters used in flood analysis.- 4.1.3 Types and spatial aspects of floods.- 4.1.4 Some natural and social consequences of floods.- 4.1.5 Physical consequences of floods, bed formation.- 4.1.6 Flood (risk) management and mitigation.- 4.1.7 Expected trends in flood risk.- 4.2 Flash floods.- 4.2.1 Spatial and temporal characteristics of flash floods.- 4.2.2 Effects of flash floods and the damage they cause.- 4.2.3 Estimation of flash flood risk .- 4.2.4 Protection, mitigation, and adaptation strategies.- 5 Biosphere-related natural hazards (Tímea Kiss).- 5.1 Human health epidemics.- 5.2 Plant and animal health epidemics.- 5.3 Rapid spread of species.- 5.3.1 Emergence of invasive species.- 5.3.2 Algal bloom.- 5.3.3 Insect invasions.- 5.4 Ecosystem changes and degradation.- 5.4.1 Forest degradation.- 5.4.2 Extinction of species.- 6 Extraterrestrial hazards (Robert Géczi).- 6.1 Cosmic objects related to the (hazard) process.- 6.2 Physical background and results of the impact process.- 6.3 Consequences of extraterrestrial effects.- 6.4 Mitigation options concerning the impact of the hazard.- 7 Climate change and its impacts.- 7.1 Physical background and trends in climate change.- 7.2 Some causes and consequences of climate change.- 7.3 Impact of climate change on inland ice sheets, glaciers, and oceans.- 7.4 Some options to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
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