With growing scientific concern around the limitations of tillage-based agriculture, coupled with the sector’s need to contribute to being more sustainable, the development and adoption of alternative farming techniques has never been more important. Conservation Agriculture (CA) is emerging as a key alternative. The foundations of CA are built upon the use of no-till techniques and the use of rotations and cover crops to optimise different aspects of soil and crop health and resilience. Advances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 3: Adoption and Spread provides an authoritative review from an array of international experts on the adoption of CA principles in different regions around the world. The final volume in this collection reviews the effectiveness of CA in differing contexts (e.g. in drier conditions where water conservation is important or in areas with poor soil) and refers to the wealth of research and experiential evidence currently available.
1.State of the global adoption and spread of Conservation Agriculture: Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; Theodor Friedrich, Retired Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert on Conservation Agriculture, Germany; and Rolf Derpsch, Consultant, Paraguay; 2.Conservation Agriculture in West and Central Canada: an integrated review of adoption: Tom Goddard, Consultant, Canada; and Adam Hayes, Soil Management Consultant, Canada; 3.Conservation Agriculture in the USA: Sjoerd W. Duiker, Penn State University, USA; 4.Conservation Agriculture in Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico: Jose R. Benites, Independent Consultant on Land and Water, and Conservation Agriculture, Peru; Theodor Friedrich, Retired Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert on Conservation Agriculture, Germany; Roberto Azofeifa Rodriguez, Head of the Department of Agro-environmental Production of the National Directorate of Agricultural Extension, Costa Rica; Ariel Espinoza Salinas, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Nicaragua; J. C. Juarez Lopez, FAO Technical Officer, Guatemala; Carlos Andres Zelaya Elvir, Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (retired), Honduras; and Jose Escobar, Consultant ASA, CRS, El Salvador; 5.Conservation Agriculture in South America: Rafael Fuentes-Llanillo, IDR-Parana IAPAR-EMATER and FEBRAPDP, Brazil; Marie Luise Carolina Bartz, University of Coimbra, Portugal and FEBRAPDP, Brazil; Tiago Santos Telles, IDR-Parana IAPAR-EMATER, Brazil; Ademir Calegari, formerly IAPAR and FEBRAPDP, Brazil; Augusto Guilherme Araujo, formerly IAPAR, Brazil; Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; formerly IAPAR, Brazil; Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; David Roggero, AAPRESID, Argentina; Dimas Soares Junior, IDRParana IAPAR-EMATER and FEBRAPDP, Brazil; Edgard Ramirez, AAPRESID, Argentina; Facundo Capandeguy, AUSID, Uruguay; Herbert Arnold Bartz, Farmer, Doctor Honoris Causa UEL and FEBRAPDP, Brazil (in memoriam); Jaime Hernandez-Zamora, ANAPO, Bolivia; Ken Moriya, FEPASIDIAS, Paraguay; Luciano Dabala, AUSID, Uruguay; Maria Cecilia Gines, AAPRESID, Argentina; Martin Maria Cubilla, FEPASIDIAS, Paraguay; Ricardo Ralisch, formerly UEL Professor and FEBRAPDP, Brazil; Richard Trujillo Mendoza, ANAPO, Bolivia; Roberto Peiretti, Global Farmer Network, USA; Rolf Derpsch, formerly GTZ Paraguay Consultant, Germany; Telmo Jorge Carneiro Amado, UFSM, Brazil; and Theodor Friedrich, Retired Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert on Conservation Agriculture, Germany; 6.Conservation Agriculture in the agri-environmental European context: Emilio J. Gonzalez-Sanchez, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Belgium and Asociacion Espanola Agricultura de Conservacion Suelos Vivos (AEACSV), Spain; Gottlieb Basch, Universidade de Evora, Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias Mediterranicas (ICAM), Portugal and European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Belgium; Julio Roman-Vazquez, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Belgium; Elizabeth Moreno-Blanco, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Belgium; Miguel Angel Repullo-Ruiberriz de Torres, European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Belgium and Centro Ifapa ’Alameda del Obispo’, Spain; Theodor Friedrich, Retired Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert on Conservation Agriculture, Germany; and Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; 7.Adoption and spread of Conservation Agriculture in North Africa: Rachid Mrabet, National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), Morocco; Haithem Bahri, National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF), Tunisia; Omar Zaghouane, Consultant, Algeria; Hatem Cheikh M’Hamed, National Institute of Agricultural Research of Tunisia (INRAT), Tunisia; Sherif Ragab Mohamed El-Areed, Beni-Suef University, Egypt; and Moamen Mohamed Abou El-Enin, Al Azhar University, Egypt; 8.Conservation Agriculture in West and Central Africa: Lamourdia Thiombiano, Agriculture and Environmental Research Institute, Burkina Faso; Kalifa Coulibaly, Nazi BONI University, Burkina Faso; Saidi Mkomwa, African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), Kenya; Kofi Boa, CA Center, Ghana; Robert B. Zougmore, CCAFS/ICRISAT/WCA, Mali; Oumarou Balarabe, CIRAD, France; Traore Salifou, Joseph Ki Zerbo University, Burkina Faso; Sylla Halimatu, Ministry of Agriculture, Burkina Faso; 9.Conservation Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: Saidi Mkomwa, African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), Kenya; Sepo Marongwe, African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), Zimbabwe; Raymond Nazare, Freelance Consultant, Zimbabwe; and Weldone Mutai, African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT), Kenya; 10.From theory to practice: key lessons in the adoption of Conservation Agriculture in South Africa: H. J. Smith, ASSET Research, South Africa; G. Trytsman, Independent Researcher, South Africa; A. A. Nel, Independent Agronomist, South Africa; J. A. Strauss, Western Cape Department of Agriculture, South Africa; E. Kruger, Mahlathini Development Foundation, South Africa; R. K. Mampholo, National LandCare Program Coordinator, Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, South Africa; J. N. Van Coller, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Libanon Farm, South Africa; H. Otto, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Korannafontein Farm, South Africa; J. G. Steyn, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Humanskraal Farm, South Africa; I. D. Dreyer, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Skulpspruit Farm, South Africa; D. Slabbert, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Van Rooyenswoning Farm, South Africa; R. Findlay, No-Till Club of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; E. Zunckel, Conservation Agriculture Farmer - Zunckels Farm, South Africa; and L. Visser, Agriculture Research Council - Small Grains, South Africa; 11.Conservation Agriculture in West Asia: Isam Bashour, Roula Bachour, Nicolas Haddad and Razan Dbaibo, American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Kassem Jouni, World Food Programme, Lebanon; Faten Adada, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa, Egypt; Yahya Shakhatreh, Yahya Bani-Kalaf, Abedaraheem Bawaliz, Iyad Musallam, Faddel Ismael, Mahmud Huwaian and Nabeel Bani Hani, National Agricultural Research Center, Jordan; Mina Devkota, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Morocco; Atef Haddad and Yaser Musa, Aga Khan Foundation, Syria; Rabea Al Hayek, Agricultural Research Station, Syria; Abdulsattar Asmair Alrijabo, University of Mosul and Local Leader of the Conservation Agriculture Programme in Nineveh Province and North of Iraq, Iraq; Irfan Gultekin, Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute, Turkey; Mohammad Esmaeil Asadi, Crop, Soil and Conservation Agriculture Systems, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Iran; and Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; 12.Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Central Asia: Aziz Nurbekov, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan; Alisher Mirzabaev, ZEF-University of Bonn, Germany; Muratbek Karabayev, CIMMYT, Kazakhstan; Nurali Asozoda, President Tajik Academy of Agricultural Science, Tajikistan; Nasriddin Khalilov, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan; and Dossymbek Sydyk, South-Western Research Institute of Livestock and Crop Production, Kazakhstan; 13.Conservation Agriculture in Eurasia: Hafiz Muminjanov, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy; Tatiana Semenova, World Food Programme, Kyrgyzstan; Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; Theodor Friedrich, Retired Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert on Conservation Agriculture, Germany; Avetik Nersisyan, International Plant Protection Convention, Italy; Turi Fileccia, formerly Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy; Gagik Mkrtchyan, Armenian Technology Group Foundation, Armenia; Armen Zakaryan, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Armenia; Imran Jumshudov and Yagub Guliyev, National Agrarian Research Centre, Azerbaijan; Alena Abarava, Lyakhovichi State Agricultural College, Belarus; Allan Pineda Burgos and Demna Martsvaladze, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Georgia; Muratbek Karabayev, formerly International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Kazakhstan; Gulnaz Kaseeva, Public Organization "AgroLead", Kyrgyzstan; Omurbek Mambetov and Cholpon Alibakieva, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Kyrgyzstan; Boris Boincean, Research Institute of Field Crops, Moldova; Mihail Rurac, State Agricultural University, Moldova; Vadim Bandurin, Association of the Supporters of No-till Planting, Russia; Luidmila Orlova, National Movement for Conservation Agriculture, Russia; Alexandr Toigildin, Ulyanovsk State Agricultural University, Russia; Khalil Safin, Bashkortostan State Agricultural University, Russia; Muhammadi Muminov, Jamshed Sangynov and Shavkat Juraev, Cooperative of Agricultural Extension Specialists "Sarob", Tajikistan; Askarsho Zevarshoev, Public Organization "Eco Consultancy", Tajikistan; Nicola Kosolap, Ukraine Agrarian University, Ukraine; Oksana Davis and Oleksandr Zhuravel, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ukraine; Michail Draganchuk, YouTube channel "No-tiller", Ukraine; Alim Pulatov, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan; Aziz Nurbekov, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan; Josef Kienzle and Sandra Corsi, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy; and Emilio J. Gonzalez-Sanchez, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain; 14.Conservation Agriculture in South Asia: Yashpal Singh Saharawat, International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC), India; Mushtaq Gill, SACAN Services, Pakistan; Mahesh Gathala, CIMMYT, Bangladesh; Tika Bahadur Karki, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal; D. B. T. Wijeratne, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sri Lanka; Sayed Samiullah, Kabul University, Afghanistan; Neelam Chaudhary, Directorate of Plant Protection and Quarantine, India; Md. Enamul Haque, Murdoch University, Australia; Richard W. Bell, Murdoch University, Australia; C. M. Parihar, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India; Harisankar Nayak, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India; Rajbir Singh, ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, India; R. K. Malik, CIMMYT, India; Upendra Singh, International Fertilizer Development Centre, USA; Raj Paroda, Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences, India; and Amir Kassam, University of Reading, UK; 15.Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia: Yuji Niino, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand; Victor B. Ella, University of The Philippines Los Banos, The Philippines; Florent Tivet, Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), Agroecologie et Intensification Durable des Cultures Annuelles (AIDA), University of Montpellier, France and General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM), Cambodia; Vira Leng, General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM), Cambodia; Hoa Tran Quoc, Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), University of Montpellier, France, and Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Laos; Pascal Lienhard, Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), Agroecologie et Intensification Durable des Cultures Annuelles (AIDA), University of Montpellier, France and Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI), Vietnam; Pham thi Sen, Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI), Vietnam; Thatheva Saphangthong, Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Laos; Vang Seng, General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALRM), Cambodia; Lyda Hok, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia; Manuel Reyes, Kansas State University, USA; Stephane Boulakia, Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD), Agroecologie et Intensification Durable des Cultures Annuelles (AIDA), University of Montpellier, France; and Sim Choon Cheak, Sime Darby Plantation Research Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia; 16.Adoption and spread of Conservation Agriculture in East Asia: Hongwen Li and Jin He, National Institute of Conservation Tillage, China Agricultural University and Conservation Tillage Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China; 17.Conservation Agriculture in Australian dryland cropping and in New Zealand: the lessons of 70 years: Jean-Francois Rochecouste, Grains Research Development Corporation, Australia; John Baker, Cross Slot IP Ltd, New Zealand; and Bill Crabtree, Farmer and Author, Australia;
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