This revised edition of a book first published in 2010 supplements the original account of the 116 bat species then known to be found in Southern and Central Africa with an additional eight newly described species. The chapters on evolution, biogeography, ecology and echolocation have been updated, citing dozens of recently published papers. The book covers the latest systematic and taxonomic studies, ensuring that the names and relationships of bats in this new edition reflect current scientific knowledge. The species accounts provide descriptions, measurements and diagnostic characters as well as detailed information about the distribution, habitat, roosting habits, foraging ecology and reproduction of each species. The updated species distribution maps are based on 116 recorded localities. A special feature of the 2010 publication was the mode of identification of families, genera and species by way of character matrices rather than the more generally used dichotomous keys. Since then these matrices have been tested in the field and, where necessary, slightly altered for this edition. New photographs fill in gaps and updated sonograms aid with bat identification in acoustic surveys. The bibliography, which now contains more than 700 entries, will be an invaluable aid to students and scientists wishing to track down original research.
Foreword to the First Edition Foreword to the Second Edition Acknowledgements Introduction Geographical scope Classification and taxonomy Conservation status Museum Collectionsand Pioneering Researchers Researcher gallery The value of specimens Chiroptera collections Databases and author’s contributions Bat Biology Overview Migration Torpor and hibernation Reproduction Predation Foraging ecology and associated ecological services Roosting habits Foliage-roosting bats Hollow-roosting bats Crevice-roosting bats Specialised roost sites Biogeography Geology Ancient basement rocks Sedimentary rocks Rift valleys Geomorphology Escarpments Drainage systems Climates past and present Vegetation Grassland Savanna Forest Echolocation Echolocation systems Types of bat echolocation pulses Ecology of bat echolocation and flight Recording echolocation calls Spectrum analysis Bat detectors Spectrograms and echolocation Species Accounts Suborder Pteropodiformes Pteropodidae Hipposideridae Rhinonycteridae Rhinolophidae Megadermatidae Suborder Vespertilioniformes Emballonuridae Nycteridae Molossidae Miniopteridae Cistugidae Vespertilionidae Glossary List of Specimens References
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