Part of the What Do I Do Now? series, Women’s Neurology uses a case-based approach to cover common and important topics in the examination, investigation, and management of neurologic disorders in women. Each chapter provides a discussion of the diagnosis, key points to remember, and selected references for further reading. The book addresses a wide range of topics including reproductive health, pregnancy, and healthy aging. The volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader’s ability to answer the question, What do I do now?
Section 1. Issues in Women during their Reproductive Years; Chapter 1: Hormonal Contraception in a Woman with Headache; Chapter 2: Young Woman with Jerking Movements; Chapter 3: Headache; Chapter 4: Seeing Spots; Chapter 5: Seizures Occurring Once a Month; Chapter 6: Pain in the Back; Chapter 7: Multiple Ovarian Cysts in a Woman with Epilepsy; Chapter 8: Newly-wed with Headache, Morning-sickness, and Subjective Right-side Weakness; Chapter 9: Routine Long-term Epilepsy Follow-up; Chapter 10: A Young Woman with Infertility; Chapter 11: A Woman With Weight Gain and Fatigue; Section 2. Pregnancy; Chapter 12: What Imaging Test Do I Order?; Chapter 13: A Lady with a Headache in the First Trimester; Chapter 14: A Lady with a Headache in the Second Trimester; Chapter 15: Ringing in the Ears and Pain in the Head; Chapter 16: A Pregnant Woman with Aphasia and Right Sided Weakness; Chapter 17: Postpartum Visual Disturbance; Chapter 18: Postpartum Thunderclap Headache; Chapter 19: Postpartum Left Sided Numbness and Right Sided Shaking; Chapter 20: Acute Headache in Pregnancy; Chapter 21: The Worst Headache of Her Life; Chapter 22: A Woman in Labor with Hypotension and Dyspnea after Epidural Placement; Chapter 23: Weakness in the Hand of a Woman during Pregnancy; Chapter 24: A Woman with Leg Weakness after Delivery; Chapter 25: A Young Woman with Double Vision and Fatigue; Chapter 26: I Don’t Want to Start Therapy Yet; Chapter 27: A Mother Who Could Not See Her Baby; Chapter 28: A 27 Year-Old Woman with Epilepsy Planning for Pregnancy; Section 3. Women’s Health and Aging; Chapter 29: I am Pregnant; Why Can’t I Sleep?; Chapter 30: Cognitive Concerns; Chapter 31: Will I Have a Stroke?; Chapter 32: Involuntary Movements; Chapter 33: Convulsion in a Pregnant Woman; Chapter 34: Memory Concerns in Middle Age
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