This third of three related volumes is structured in 3 sections and 46 chapters covering every aspect of Hair Restoration Surgery (HRS), alternative and future treatments for AGA/FPHL, as well as hair loss concealment and hair care. The reader will find dedicated chapters on every aspect of HRS: from the initial, ’prehistoric’ HRS techniques that have cosmetically stigmatized countless patients and defamed the field to in-depth coverage of all modern HRS techniques endorsing a ’cosmetic revolution’. Modern HRS techniques that offer results indistinguishable from natural hair in male and female patients are described in detail, with invaluable surgical pearls and strategies on how to treat complications, repair substandard results and even how to build a successful HRS practice. Chapters include more than a thousand original and unique full-color photos of unique cases, figures, tables, and invaluable surgical tips.The safety and applicability of Low Level Laser Therapy, Genetic Engineering/Gene Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, Hair Follicle Cloning, Platelet Rich Plasma, Scalp Microneedling and Exosomes on AGA/FPHL are thoroughly reviewed in dedicated chapters, validated by several updated and balanced literature citations.All types of cover-up products that can ’camouflage’ baldness are reviewed in detail through the author’s vast experience in their clinical use. An elaborate chapter on hair prosthesis and wigs illustrates how patients with extensive AGA can have a natural appearance and unrestricted life. The psychological entrapment, social awkwardness, hidden costs, and downsides of the wig industry are assessed. Finally, details on hair hygiene and how they can drastically affect hair loss are offered in a separate chapter. Handy, thorough, and practical, Androgenetic Alopecia From A to Z, Hair Restoration Surgery and Alternative Treatments Volume 3 will meet the needs of dermatologists, plastic surgeons, general practitioners, and all other physicians involved in this fast growing and fascinating field.
Part VIII. Surgical Hair Restoration in Androgenetic Alopecia.- 1 The History of Hair Restoration Surgery.- 2 Punch grafts: Holes on the head.- 3 Scalp reduction.- 4 Scalp expansion.- 5 Scalp lifts.- 6 Scalp flaps.- 7 Lasers in Hair Restoration Surgery.- 8 Strip excision: stepping forward.- 9 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).- 10 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).- 11 Βody Ηair Τransplant FUE (ΒΗΤ FUE).- 12 Patient selection in Hair Restoration Surgery.- 13 Initial interview, evaluation and consultation.- 14 Overview of anesthesia in Hair Restoration Surgery.- 15 Overview of the safe donor area.- 16 The intricate details of the donor area.- 17 Techniques of dissection and closure of the donor area.- 18 Donor area complications.- 19 The surgical zones of the recipient area.- 20 Graft survival considerations and strategies.- 21 Recipient area injury and relevant parameters.- 22 Overview of graft insertion techniques.- 23 The density and coverage of the recipient area.- 24 Transplanting into hair-bearing recipient areas.- 25 Hairline design and grafting.- 26 Midscalp design and grafting.- 27 Crown
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