The world of work is changing; Baby Boomers are leaving the workforce and Millennials will be the largest segment of the workforce by 2020. In addition, the Gig Economy has given birth to an entirely different definition of workforce. Organizations no longer solely employ traditional employees; rather, the workforce of today and into the future is comprised of traditional employees that are both onsite and remote. The core tenets of rewards -- compensation, benefits, work-life -- remain fundamentally critical for the workforce at-large. Yet the shifting demographic of worker is requiring employers to strategically re-think their approach to attracting, retaining and motivating the workforce. Workforce engagement is becoming ever-more critical to effectively attracting and rewarding the modern-day workforce. Since publication, the first edition has been the definitive authority on compensation and rewards from the worlds leading professional association in the area, WorldatWork. This completely revised second edition broadens the scope to address the latest issues facing employers today and in the next five years. The world of work and rewards has changed significantly in the time since the initial WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits s required for foundational rewards programs, along with a higher-level view of how these programs support the overall goals of attracting, retaining, motivating and engaging that talent required to deliver business success.
Foreword Finding Our Way Forward by Scott Cawood, President and CEO, WorldatWork Introduction 4IR: It’s the End of Work as We Know It (and the Rewards Are Fine) Chapter 1 The Power of Total Rewards Chapter 2 Everything You Want to Know About Compensation (but Were Afraid to Ask) Chapter 3 Market Pricing and the Battle for Prize-Winning Talent Chapter 4 Linking Pay to Performance via Merit Pay Chapter 5 Executive Compensation Disclosures, Trends and Challenges Chapter 6 Sales Compensation Essentials Chapter 7 The Changing Face of Well-Being Chapter 8 Benefits Basics Chapter 9 How to Reskill Your Workforce through a Mindset of Continuous Development Chapter 10 How to Recognize and Reward Your Top-Performing Employees (with Cash Bonuses and Praise) Chapter 11 The Employee Experience: The Cornerstone of a Global Engagement Strategy Chapter 12 Corporate Accountability in a Diverse
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