Brief Contents; Preface; 1. Communication: How It Works; 2. Communication Competence: A Model for Success; 3. Power: The Inescapable Dynamic; 4. Balancing Power: Communication Strategies Good and Bad; 5. Communication Climate: Positively Critical; 6. Listening: More Than Meets the Ear; 7. Social Media and Interviewing: On Your Way to Work; 8. Conflict Management: A Common Experience; 9. The Nature of Groups: Working with Others; 10. Competent Leadership: A Process More Than a Person; 11. Work Teams: A Special Type of Group; 12. Meetings: A Perpetual Challenge; 13. Business Writing: Representing Yourself with Words; 14. Developing and Organizing Business Presentations; 15. Critical Thinking and Supporting Materials; 16. Visual Aids and Delivery; Glossary; References; Credits; Index; Chapter 1: Communication: How It Works; COMMUNICATION MYTHS; Myth 1: More Communication Equals Better Communication; Myth #2: 93% of Message Meaning is Conveyed Nonverbally; Myth 3: Communication Is a Cure-All; DEFINING COMMUNICATION; Communication Is Transactional: Beyond Information Exchange; Communication Is a Process: The Continuous Flow; Communication Is Sharing Meaning: Making Sense; --Verbal Sharing: Telling It Like It Isn’t; --Nonverbal Sharing: Wordless Challenges; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 2. Communication Competence Model; COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE MODEL; Appropriateness: Communication Is Audience-Centered; --Rules: Explicit and Implicit; --Rule Violations: Consequential Effects; Effectiveness: Achieving Goals; --Degrees of Effectiveness: From Deficiency to Proficiency; --We-Orientation: Audience-Centeredness; Achieving Communication Competence: Five Ways; --Knowledge: Learning the Rules; --Skill: Showing, Not Just Knowing; --Sensitivity: Receptive Accuracy; --Commitment: A Passion for Excellence; --Ethics: The Right and Wrong of Communication; CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE; Individualism-Collectivism: The Prime Directive; --General Description: The Me-We Dimension; --Communication Differences: Direct Versus Indirect Styles; Cross-Cultural Guidelines: Quick Tips; BOX 2-1 Self-Assessment: Be Ye Individualist or Collectivist?; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEO; Chapter 3. Power: The Inescapable Dynamic; THE NATURE OF POWER; Forms of Power: Dominance, Prevention, and Empowerment; Communication Indicators of Power; --General Indicators: Defining, Following, and Inhibiting; --Verbal Indicators: Language Choices; --Nonverbal Indicators: Silent Exercise of Power; --Status Cues: Virtual Groups; Power Resources: Raw Materials of Influence; --Information: Good and Plenty; --Expertise: Information Plus Know-How; --Legitimate Authority: When to Comply and When to Defy; --Rewards and Punishments: What Works Best?; --Personal Qualities: A Powerful Persona; CONSEQUENCES OF POWER IMBALANCES; Sexual Harassment: When Flirting Is Hurting; Bias Against Women and Ethnic Minorities: Leadership Gap; Workplace Bullying: Verbal and Nonverbal Aggression; POWER-DISTANCE: CULTURAL VARIATION; General Description: Horizontal and Vertical Cultures; Communication Differences: With Whom May You Communicate?; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 4. Balancing Power: Communication Strategies Good and Bad; DOMINANCE-PREVENTION POWER STRUGGLES; Defiance: Digging in Your Heels; Resistance: Dragging Your Feet; --Minimum Effort: How Slow Can You Go?; --Strategic Stupidity: Smart People Acting Dumb; --Loss of Motor Function: Conscious Carelessness; --The Misunderstanding Mirage: Confusion Illusion; --Selective Amnesia: Fake Forgetfulness; --Tactical Tardiness: Late by Design; --Purposeful Procrastination: Deliberate Delays; EMPOWERMENT ENHANCEMENT; Developing Assertiveness: Confidence and Skill; BOX 4-1 Stand Up, Sit Down: An Exercise in Assertiveness; Forming Coalitions: Gaining Allies; Increasing Personal Power Resources: Expanding Choices; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 5. Communication Climate: Positively Critical; CREATING POSITIVE COMMUNICATION CLIMATES; The Negativity Bias: A Major Impediment; Emphasizing the Positive: The Magic Ratio; Offering Praise and Recognition: The Essential Building Blocks; Cultivating Collaboration: Working Together; Defensive and Supportive Communication: Shaping Climates; BOX 5-1 Self-Assessment: Reactions to Defensive and Supportive Communication; Criticism Versus Description; --Control Versus Problem Orientation; --Manipulation Versus Assertiveness; --Indifference Versus Empathy; --Superiority Versus Equality; --Certainty Versus Provisionalism; --Incivility Versus Civility; DEVELOPING TRUST: TOUGH TO GAIN, EASY TO LOSE; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 6. Listening: More Than Meets the Ear; THE LISTENING PROCESS; Hearing: Receiving Raw Data; Understanding: Shared Meaning; Remembering: Not an Easy Task; Interpreting: Message Perception; Evaluating: Separating Fact from Fiction; Responding: Giving Feedback; TYPES OF LISTENING; Discriminative Listening: Deciphering Speech Sounds; Comprehensive Listening: Understanding Messages; Informational Listening: Learning; Critical Listening: Analysis Not Criticism; Empathic Listening: Caring and Sharing; LISTENING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS; Noise: Four Types; Unfocused Listening: Mindlessness and Multitasking; Pseudolistening: Faking It; Shift Response: Conversational Narcissism; Competitive Interrupting: Seizing the Floor; Ambushing: Preparing Rebuttals; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 7. Social Media and Interviewing: On Your Way to Work; ONLINE NETWORKING; LinkedIn: The Professional Social Network; Creating a Powerful LinkedIn Profile; --Compose a Compelling Headline; --Provide a Profile Picture: Don’t Be Camera Shy; --Personalize Your URL: It’s the Little Things; --Craft a Strong Summary: Tell Your Story; --Get Recommendations on the Spot; INTERVIEW PREPARATION; Researching the Company: Vision, Mission, and Values; Using the PREP Method: Matching Background to Company Values; KNOW YOUR VALUE: A SUBJECTIVE INVENTORY; INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: TWO TYPES; Behavioral Interview Questions; Situational Interview Questions; PEP TALK: CHECK YOUR MINDSET; THE INTERVIEW: SEVERAL FORMATS; One-on-One Interview; Screening Interview; Panel Interview; INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP; Express Gratitude: Pen a Worthy Thank-you; Send a Follow-up Note: Remain Patient; Get Better: Seek Feedback; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 8. Conflict Management: A Common Experience; NATURE OF CONFLICT; Definition: Incompatible, Interconnected Struggle; Destructive or Constructive Conflict: Communication Differences; COMMUNICATION STYLES OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT; Confrontation: Directly Addressing the Problem; Integration: Seeking Joint Gains; Smoothing: Calming Troubled Waters; Accommodating: Yielding; Compromising: Halving the Loaf; Avoiding: Withdrawing; Competing: Power-Forcing; SITUATIONAL FACTORS; Task Conflict: Routine or Nonroutine; Relationship Conflict: It’s Personal; Values Conflict: Deeply Felt Struggles; Dealing with Difficult Co-workers: Bad Apple Spoilage; ANGER MANAGEMENT; Constructive and Destructive Anger: Intensity and Duration; Managing Your Anger at Work: Taking Control; Managing the Anger of Coworkers: Communication Jujitsu; VIRTUAL COMMUNICATION AND CONFLICT; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 9. The Nature of Groups: Working with Others; THE STRUCTURE OF GROUPS; Group Size: Influencing Structure; Groups Versus Organizations: Structural Differences; Task and Social Dimensions: Productivity and Cohesiveness; Norms: Rules Governing Group Behavior; --Types of Norms: Explicit and Implicit; --Conforming to Norms: Being Liked and Being Right; Roles: Expected Patterns of Behavior; Structured Problem Solving: Standard Agenda; --Problem Identification: What Is the Question?; --Problem Analysis: Doing the Research; --Solution Criteria: Setting Standards; --Solution Suggestions: Generating Alternatives; --Solution Evaluation and Selection: Deciding by Criteria; --Solution Implementation: Follow-Through; Decision Making Rules; --Majority Rule: Tyrannical or Practical; --Minority Rule: Several Types; --Unanimity Rule: Consensus; CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING; Conditions for Creativity: Preliminaries; Creative Communication Techniques: Systemic Procedures; --Brainstorming: Generating Lots of Ideas; --Nominal Group Technique: Limited Interaction; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 10. Competent Leadership: A Process More Than a Person; DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP; Difference #1: Positional versus Interpersonal Influence; Difference #2: Maintaining versus Changing; Differences Not Categorically Exclusive: Matter of Emphasis; Leadership and Followership: Let’s Dance; LEADER EMERGENCE; Two Phases of Emergence; Virtual Group Leader Emergence; Additional Factors: Implicit Theories of Leadership; COMPETENT LEADERSHIP PERSPECTIVES; Traits: Marginal Enlightenment; BOX 10-1 Self-Assessment: What Is Your Leadership Style Preference?; Situational Leadership: Be Agile; Servant Leadership: Ethical Necessity; Leadership Across Cultures: Few Universals; VIRTUAL GROUP LEADERSHIP; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 11. Work Teams: A Special Type of Group; DEFINITION OF A TEAM; TEAM MEMBER COMPOSITION; Team Builders: Diverse, Complementary Skill Sets; --Diversity: An Amalgamation; --Communication Training: Developing Members’ Competence; Team Slayers: Bad Attitudes and Communication Behaviors; --Egocentrism: Me-Deep in Omnipotence; --Cynicism: Communicating a Can’t-Do Attitude; --Abuse: Incompetent Communication That Kills Teams; BUILDING TEAMWORK; Developing Team Goals: The Four C’s; --Clear Goals: Everyone on the Same Page; --Cooperative Goals: Interdependent Effort; --Challenging Goals: Denting the Universe; --Commitment to Goals: A Passion to Succeed; Developing a Team Identity: Unifying Members; --Symbolic Convergence: Communicating Fantasy Themes; --Solidarity Symbols: Unifying Creatively; --Team Talk: The Language of We?; Designating Roles: Beware of Duplication; Team Empowerment: Enhancing Members’ Capabilities; --Definition of Empowerment: Four Dimensions; --Hierarchical Organizations: The Enemy of Team Empowerment; --Self-Managing Work Teams: The IDEO Model; --Leadership and Empowerment: Some Supervision Required; BOX 11-1 Typical Characteristics of Empowered Teams; Establishing Individual Accountability: Providing Feedback; VIRTUAL TEAMS; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 12. Meetings: A Perpetual Challenge; MEETING PREPARATION: A LEADER’S JOB; Clarify the Purpose: Avoid Aimlessness; Create an Effective Agenda: Simple Steps; Get There First: Remember Murphy’s Law; CONDUCTING A MEETING; Begin on Time, End on Time: Punctuality is a Virtue; Communicate Ground Rules: Avoid Chaos; Stay on Track: Parking Lots, Jellyfish, and Perception Checks; Concluding Meetings: Do Not End with a Whimper; After the Meeting: Clean-up Time; PARTICIPATING IN A MEETING; Belong or Be Gone; Be Prepared: Don’t Act Like a Potted Plant; WAIT: Avoid Stage Hogging; Be Attentive: Silence Can Be Golden; VIRTUAL MEETINGS; Pros and Cons: A Mixed Bag; Facilitating Virtual Meetings: New Challenges; Participating Virtually: Unusual Considerations; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 13. Business Writing: Representing Yourself with Words; WRITING VS. CONVERSING; THE CASE FOR WRITING WELL; The High Cost of Weak Writing Skill; Business Writing Is an Occupational Requirement; COMPETENT BUSINESS WRITING; Types: So Many Options; Audience Analysis: Good Writers Respect Their Readers; Write Well: Choose Your Words Wisely; Writing Pre-work: Step Away from the Keyboard; ANATOMY OF AN EMAIL; The Set-Up; The Body; --Opening: Consider Formality; --Lead with the Most important Information; --The Close; The Close; --Cultural Variations; CAREFUL COMPOSITION; Tone: Difficult Writing Challenge; --Tone and Texting; --Tone and Email; Spelling/Grammar 101; SUMMARY; FILM SCHOOL CASE STUDIES; TED TALKS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS; Chapter 14. Developing and Organizing Business Presentations; ADDRESSING SPEECH ANXIETY; Causes: Dysfunctional Anxiety; --Catastrophic Thinking: Fear of Failure; --Perfectionist Thinking: No Mistakes Permitted; --The Illusion of Transparency: Being Nervous about Looking Nervous; --Novelty of the Speaking Situation: Fear of the Unknown; Strategies: Managing Anxiety; --Prepare and Practice: Novelty to Familiarity; --Gain Perspective: Rational Thinking; --Communication Orientation: Reframing; AUDIENCE ANALYSIS; Types of Audiences; --Captive Audience: Disengaged Listeners; --Committed Audience: Agreeable Listeners; --Contrary Audience: Hostile Listeners; --Concerned Audience: Eager Listeners; --Casual Audience: Unexpected Listeners; Audience Type and Persuasion; Audience Composition; --Age: Generation Gap; --Gender: The Importance of Inclusivity; --Ethnicity and Culture: Sensitivity to Diversity; --Group Size: It Makes a Difference; How to Analyze Your Audience; Other Considerations; ORGANIZATION; The Introduction: How to Begin; --Make a Clear Purpose Statement: Provide Intent; --Establish Topic Significance; --Establish Your Credibility; --Preview Your Main Points; The Body; --Organizational Patterns: Several Choices; --Transitions: Making Connections; The Conclusion; --The Speech Summary: Pulling It Together; --Call to Action: The Persuasive Finish; --Final Thought; Q
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