Tribology is an unfamiliar term for many, but is experienced by all. It is the science of friction, wear and lubrication of contacting surfaces in relative motion. The aim of this book is to introduce the fundamentals of tribology as well as its challenges in extreme operating conditions.The book comprises a historical background and an introduction to familiarize both undergraduate and postgraduate readers with such an important topic. It addresses a comprehensive coverage of classical tribology of solid contacts, friction mechanics, wear mechanisms and lubrication technologies. The tribology of polymer composites, MEMS and NEMS are explored. In addition, tribology of automotive components is presented, as are tribological applications in many practical situations.Various test methods used in evaluating wear are reviewed. Diverse techniques applied in predicting wear behavior by mathematical models, FE modeling and ANN approach are discussed.The book reviews key features of extraordinary conditions associated with, but not limited to, harsh environments, severe sliding and poor lubrication challenges. A basic understanding of failure modes in tribological systems is covered. The state-of-the-art research on tribology under these extreme conditions is extensively discussed, which will be of interest to researchers. The book highlights solutions for extreme tribology problems and provides an overview of various factors affecting tribosystems in harsh conditions.
Introduction to Tribology Introduction History of tribology Development and future challenges in tribology Knowledge of Tribology: Education, Publications, and Researches Tribo-material Properties Introduction Volume properties Surface properties Lubricant properties Friction Introduction Contact of solid surfaces Theories of friction Laws of sliding friction Laws of rolling friction Factors affecting friction and wear Friction measurements Frictional heating Contact surface temperature Measurements of contact temperature Wear Introduction Wear mechanisms Wear-regime map Generation of wear debris Measurement of wear (Tribo-measurements) Lubricants and lubrication Introduction Types of lubricants Fluid film lubrication Gas-lubricated bearings Solid film lubrication Grease lubrication Additives Tribology of Polymer and their Composites Introduction Wear of polymers Friction of polymers Severity parameter for friction and wear of polymers Lubrication Sliding mechanics of polymers Wear and friction of polymer composites Tribology of Automotive Components Introduction Piston ring Valvetrain mechanism Crankshaft bearing Clutches and brakes Automotive lubricants Friction and Wear in Extreme Conditions Introduction Challenges in tribology Friction and wear under extreme loads Micro/Nano-scale friction and wear Friction and wear at high temperatures Friction and wear at low and cryogenic temperatures Friction and wear at high speeds Friction and wear under vacuum conditions Wear in mining and mineral processing Geotribology Abrasion of concrete paver blocks Lubrication and Coating Challenges in Extreme Conditions Introduction Lubrication challenges Coating challenges Surface treatment challenges Simulation and Modeling of Tribo-Systems Introduction Equations and models Finite element analysis (FEA) Dimensional analysis Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Failures in Tribo-Systems Introduction Bearing failure Gear failure Cam/follower failure Wheel/rail failure Failure of artificial joints
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