Gender Equality(IPS-Nathan Lecture Series)



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Corinna Lim is the Institute of Policy Studies’ 8th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore. This book is an edited collection of her three IPS-Nathan Lectures, delivered in April and May 2021, and includes highlights of her question-and-answer segments with our virtual audience.Ms Lim examines the most pressing concerns facing women in Singapore, contributing her insights to the national gender equality review. She analyses why gender equality in the workplace and home has not advanced more despite Singapore’s promising start in the 1960s with the introduction of the Women’s Charter and gender-neutral education. She looks at what Singapore should do to accelerate gender equality, and tackles the issues of masculine norms that are harmful, support for family caregiving, and comprehensive sex education in Singapore.The IPS-Nathan Lecture series was launched in 2014 as part of the S R Nathan Fellowship for the Study of Singapore. It seeks to advance public understanding and discussion of issues of critical national interest for Singapore.Key FeaturesThis book gives readers a perspective of where Singapore has been and is in terms of gender equality, what the key drivers and barriers are, and which are the most urgent to tackle, to accelerate our progress. The book serves as a contribution to the current Singapore government’s gender equality review and beyond, to improve the trajectory for gender equality in Singapore and encourage greater discussions on the topicIt is especially timely in 2021, a year which the Singapore government designated the "Year of Celebrating Women"Corinna has been part of the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) for the last 30 years, as Executive Director and a volunteer. With her depth of experience, Corinna provides a sound and in-depth perspective in addressing Singapore’s progress in gender equality, urging Singaporeans (both men and women) to examine and centre gender equality in Singapore’s futureAs a civil society activist, Corinna gives a fresh perspective on the current state of civil society in Singapore, with the aim to accelerate the building of bridges between civil society and policymakers through this series
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