I Never Call It Big Bang



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This book tells the incredible story of George Gamow, one of the most brilliant and extravagant physicists of the past century. Gamow was born in Russia in 1904 and died in the USA in 1968. He lived his life in a time between the twenties and the sixties, characterized by rapid developments in physics and became a key figure of that time. Gamow’s true merits were seldom fully recognized. Yet his ideas are behind a number of Nobel Prizes for Physics during the past century. His remarkable achievements in Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology were the result of a combination of expertise and creativity, intuition and, importantly, of a good sense of humor. Together they craft the image of a true revolutionary scientist. Gamow also had a natural talent for popularization and was throughout his life a successful science communicator.The figure of Gamow is interesting also from a cultural perspective. His life stretches across a critical period in our history and moves geographically from Russia to the USA, via Europe. His story provides insights into the complex dialogue between historical events and scientific developments during the twentieth century.Our book builds on the extensive interview that science historian Charles Weiner did with Gamow shortly before his death. Here Gamow offers a complete survey of his scientific achievements. Tapping onto their dialogue, we have enriched the picture of Gamow’s figure with materials gathered also from other sources. First of all, we discuss his autobiography, in which Gamow mainly focuses on the education he received in Russia and on his experience as a young scientist in Europe. We contrast this with relevant writings about his, at times, controversial role in the scientific environment of his epoch. Altogether, these form a critical and complex representation of the life and character of this extraordinary scientist and human being.Key Features• Our first goal is of course to introduce George Gamow to broad audiences at an international level. We aim to do this by experimenting also a particular form of writing, where biography joins hands with scientific popularization. We will describe in some depth, yet in simple words, the scientific and academic developments of the past century, giving the reader a taste of what it meant to be a physicist during such a complex epoch• Gamow’s scientific career is therefore depicted with particular focus on the ongoing historical events, thanks to a number of more recent sources of information we have had the possibility to use: among these, The Age of Innocence by historian Roger H Stuewer and the Nuclear Secrecy Blog, by historian Alex Wellerstein. Combined with the above quoted interview by Charles Weiner and with Gamow’s own biography, these writings have given us an opportunity to understand in depth Gamow’s key concerns about physics, teaching, security and secrecy and their situated meaning in the post war period• This book will hence provide the reader with a possibility to get to know Gamow and the rapid developments of physics in the XX century, as well as a rethinking of the political scenario in which they were taking place. All from the exclusive point of view of a Russian born American physicist
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