Historically, investors focused only on making money. For some investors, this mindset still rings true. Yet, a growing number of investors want to make money mean more by making money and doing good. Sustainable investing consists of any investment approach that considers environmental, social, and governance-related criteria when selecting and managing investments. This book demystifies sustainable investing for average investors and examines whether such investments have a place in their portfolios.
Who Are the Authors?; Why Did We Write This Book?; Whom Do We Want to Thank?; What is the Book About?; Introduction; Chapter One: The Changing Investment Landscape: The Past, Present, and Future; 1.1. What are the earliest origins of socially responsible investing (SRI) and corporate social responsibility (CSR)?; 1.2. Who were the first drivers of SRI and CSR, and how did their efforts help establish the ways social responsibility activists affect corporate behavior?; 1.3. What is screening, and why is it important?; 1.4. What are the most critical milestones in the 20th century for SRI?; 1.5. How did these earlier milestones in the 20th-century help establish how SRI activists could affect corporate behavior?; 1.6. Who created the first modern SRI index?; 1.7. How did environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria become the three primary social responsibility factors?; 1.8. What are other vital issues in the 21st century for SRI and CSR besides ESG criteria?; 1.9. What are the main ways that investors can participate in SRI and SDG efforts?; 1.10. What are the similarities and differences between sustainable investing and green investing?; 1.11. What are the similarities and differences between impact investing and community investing?; 1.12. How have risk tolerances and investment preferences changed from a generational perspective?; 1.13. What impact are Millennials and progressive politics making on sustainable investing?; 1.14. What are the conservative politics of sustainable investing in terms of advocacy agenda?; 1.15. What is the divide between progressive and conservative investors?; 1.16. What trends are likely to drive the future of the sustainable investing industry?; Takeaways; Chapter Two: Corporate Social Responsibility: Delivering Both Profit and Purpose; 2.1. What’s corporate social responsibility?; 2.2. What’s business ethics?; 2.3. Who are a firm’s stakeholders?; 2.4. How can a firm demonstrate its social responsibility?; 2.5. How can firms be environmentally sustainable?; 2.6. How do firms demonstrate social responsibility to society?; 2.7. What firm governance characteristics are responsible?; 2.8. How can firms exhibit social responsibility to employees?; 2.9. How can a firm be socially responsible in some areas and not in others?; 2.10. How does doing good differ from avoiding doing harm?; 2.11. What is corporate philanthropy, and should firms be engaged in it?; 2.12. How can firms become involved in community engagement?; 2.13. How can investors determine whether a firm is socially responsible?; 2.14. How are firms held accountable for CSR?; 2.15. What is a non-governmental organization, and how does it interact with companies?; 2.16. How can a firm have a social purpose and earn a profit?; 2.17. How is CSR viewed around the world?; 2.18. What companies are known as leaders in CSR?; 2.19. What online resources are available for researching socially responsible firms?; Takeaways; Chapter Three: Social and Religious Values: Aligning Values and Portfolio Assets; 3.1. What is values-based investing?; 3.2. What community values can investors use to select investments?; 3.3. How can investing include human and civil rights values?; 3.4. What is environmental sustainability, and how can investors incorporate it into a portfolio?; 3.5. What firm products are inconsistent with social responsibility?; 3.6. What religious values affect investing?; 3.7. How can investors consider Christian values?; 3.8. How can investors consider Islamic values?; 3.9. How can investors consider Jewish faith-based values?; 3.10. How might socially progressive values affect investment choice?; 3.11. What is patriotic investing?; 3.12. How are stocks found using negative and positive social screens?; 3.13. What stock indices benchmark socially responsible firms?; 3.14. What are Morningstar’s Sustainability Scores?; 3.15. What are Morningstar’s Carbon Risk Scores?; 3.16. Where can investors find socially responsible mutual funds?; 3.17. What exchange-traded funds have socially responsible portfolios?; 3.18. Where can investors find sustainable bonds and other fixed-income funds?; 3.19. What are online resources available for researching a values-based investment approach?; Takeaways; Chapter Four: Sustainable Investing: Making Money While Doing Good; 4.1. How does traditional investing differ from sustainable investing?; 4.2. What are the potential concerns about sustainable investing?; 4.3. What is the screening approach to sustainable investing?; 4.4. What is the ESG integration approach to sustainable investing?; 4.5. What is the socially responsible investing approach?; 4.6. What are the shareholder engagement and activism approaches to sustainable investing?; 4.7. What is the sustainable thematic investing approach?; 4.8. What is the impact investing approach to sustainable investing?; 4.9. What types of investors engage in sustainable investing?; 4.10. How large is the sustainable investing marketplace?; 4.11. How can investors get started with sustainable investing?; 4.12. What vehicles are available for aligning values with investments?; 4.13. What are the sources available for evaluating the social responsibility of a good versus bad company?; 4.14. What are the pros and cons of investing in ESG stocks?; 4.15. What are some examples of the largest ESG stocks?; 4.17. What are the similarities and differences between mutual funds and ETFs engaged in sustainable investing?; 4.18. What are the different types of funds engaging in sustainable investing, and examples of each?; 4.19. What options are available for socially responsible investors interested in fixed-income investments?; 4.20. What are green bonds and their pros and cons?; 4.21. What are social impact bonds and their benefits and challenges?; 4.23. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ESG TDFs?; 4.24. What are some tips in selecting an ESG TDF?; 4.25. What are the trade-offs between investing in stocks or bonds of socially responsible companies, mutual funds, and ETFs?; 4.26. What are robo-advisors and the trade-offs of using them for sustainable investing?; 4.27. What are some examples of robo-advisors for sustainable investing?; 4.28. What is community investing?; 4.29. What are online sources of information for sustainable investing?; Takeaways; Chapter Five: Performance Implications of Sustainable Investing: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?; 5.1. What are the supply and demand dynamics for performance data for sustainable investing?; 5.2. What are the concerns about the performance data for sustainable investing?; 5.3. What is the total number of sustainable investment funds?; 5.4. Have sustainable investment funds outperformed traditional funds?; 5.5. How has the performance of sustainable funds changed over time?; 5.6. What are the performance implications of sustainable investment indices?; 5.7. How fast is investor demand for sustainable investing growing?; 5.8. What factors are likely to affect the demand for sustainable investing going forward?; 5.9. Has the growth in investor demand driven the recent outperformance in sustainable investing??; 5.10. Which of the three ESG criteria has historically performed better?; 5.11. What are the performance implications of sustainable investing when analyzing the fixed-income market?; 5.12. What performance critiques or implications relate to screening?; 5.13. Do sin stocks outperform sustainable stocks?; 5.14. Is sustainable investing ethical window dressing?; 5.15. How has sustainable investing had a positive benefit on changing society or corporate behavior?; 5.16. Can sustainable investors have their cake and eat it too?; Takeaways; Chapter Six: Building a Portfolio with a Purpose: How to Benefit You and Society; 6.1. What are common misconceptions about sustainable investing?; 6.2. Why should sustainable investors take a portfolio perspective?; 6.3. What steps are in the portfolio management process?; 6.4. What is an investment policy statement?; 6.5. Why should sustainable investors have an investment policy statement?; 6.6. What role does asset allocation play in the investment decision-making process?; 6.7. What types or classes of assets are available to sustainable investors?; 6.8. What are the main determinants of asset allocation?; 6.9. What are the two most common strategies for asset allocation and their advantages and; 6.11. What are other types of asset allocation strategies available?; 6.12. What are some guidelines of asset allocation for average investors?; 6.13. What choices are available for determining your asset allocation?; 6.14. How does asset allocation differ from diversification?; 6.15. Why should sustainable investors diversify their portfolios?; 6.16. What pitfalls should sustainable investors avoid involving portfolio diversification?; 6.16. How can investors incorporate sustainability into their portfolios?; 6.17. Why should sustainable investors regularly monitor their portfolios?; 6.18. Should sustainable investors rebalance their portfolios?; 6.19. What types of asset allocation rebalancing strategies are available and their benefits and drawbacks?; 6.20. How can sustainable investors evaluate their portfolios?; Takeaways
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