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For readers who are unaware of how entrepreneurship created a thread throughout U.S. history, Wolk and Rayport cover the story from the Colonial Era to the present day. They also directly address what is perhaps the most dramatic chapter in U.S. entrepreneurship--the age of the Internet and the creation of trillion-dollar market capitalization companies. Indeed, as digital technology unlocked innovations that have transformed nearly every sector of the economy, its become clear that nowhere is software eating the world as widely and dramatically as its doing so in the U.S., and nowhere are entrepreneurs creating so many new ventures, attracting more venture capital, or creating ventures of such outsized value. This book seeks to answer several related questions: how did such a value system emerge? What sustained it over time? Why did it benefit entrepreneurs and innovators in such powerful ways? At the start of 2021, the U.S. led the world in the number of unicorn ventures at 233. Most other nations lag by a wide margin. The startup productivity gap is stark. In addition, only the U.S. has given rise to trillion-dollar market cap companies, such as Apple, Google, and *. At the same time, the U.S. has experienced more high profile corporate failures and declines than other countries, with a higher churn rate on the major indices.  Those companies that stay on top must continue to evolve in order to do so.  The U.S. faces for the first time in its history the challenge of another nation that can match it in terms of entrepreneurial productivity and zeal. Clearly, China has delivered results by other means, as it adopts an increasingly authoritarian form of government under President Xi. This makes it even more pressing for the U.S. to understand its formula for entrepreneurial success in order not only to sustain but also to defend it. The outcome of the U.S.-China economic competition will determine who owns the most important technologies of the future--and hence which nation gets to set the global political and economic agenda. Launchpad sheds light on what the U.S. has gotten right in how its managed its politics, economy, culture, and approaches to law and finance. Wolk and Rayport provide deep insights into what the nation may continue to expect as an engine of prosperity and a leader in innovation.    
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