This book includes selected contributions on applied mathematics, numerical analysis, numerical simulation and scientific computing related to fluid mechanics problems, presented at the FEF-?Finite Element for Flows? conference, held in Rome in spring 2017. Written by leading international experts and covering state-of-the-art topics in numerical simulation for flows, it provides fascinating insights into and perspectives on current and future methodological and numerical developments in computational science. As such, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, as well as Masters and Ph.D students.
1 L. Silva et al., Simulation of Complex High Reynolds Flows with a VMS method and Adaptive Meshing.- 2 B. Bastl et al., Comparison of coupled and decoupled solvers for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations solved by isogeometric analysis.- 3 A. Jaeschke and M. M鰈ler, High-Order Isogeometric Methods for Compressible Flows. I. Scalar Conservation Laws.- 4 M. M鰈ler and A. Jaeschke, High-Order Isogeometric Methods for Compressible Flows. II. Compressible Euler Equations.- 5 G. Tumolo and L. Bonaventura, Simulations of Non-hydrostatic Flows by an Efficient and Accurate p-adaptive DG Method.- 6 L. Bonaventura et al., A fully semi-Lagrangian method for the Navier?Stokes equations in primitive variables.- 7 A. Dervieux et al., Mesh adaptation for k-exact CFD approximations.- 8 M. R. A. Abdelmalik and E. H. van Brummelen, Entropy Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Moment Methods for Compressible Fluid Dynamics.- 9 M. Make et al., Space-Time NURBS-Enhanced Finite Elements for Solving the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations.- 10 S. Santoso et al., Fluid Flow Simulation from geometry data based on point clouds.- 11 C. Miles et al., Thermomechanically-consistent phase-field modelling of thin film flows.- 12 K. Bicol and A. Quaini, On the sensitivity to model parameters in a filter stabilization technique for advection dominated advection-diffusion-reaction problems.- 13 J. K. Ryan and J. Docampo, One-dimensional Line SIAC filtering for multi-dimensions: Applications to Streamline Visualization.- 14 J. H. Sp黨ler et al., A high performance computing framework for finite element simulation of blood flow in the left ventricle of the human heart.- 15 B. S. Hosseini and M. M鰈ler, Phase field-based incompressible two-component liquid flow simulation.- 16 J. Watkins et al., A study on the performance portability of the finite element assembly process within the Albany Land Ice solver.- 17 A. Johansson et al., A MultiMesh Finite Element Method for the Stokes Problem.- 18 Y. Mesri et al., A variational multi-scale anisotropic mesh adaptation scheme for aerothermal problems.- 19 N. Ferro et al., Density-based inverse homogenization with anisotropically adapted elements.- 20 H. Hajduk et al., Bathymetry reconstruction using inverse shallow water.- 21 E. G. Phillips et al., Enabling Scalable Multifluid Plasma Simulations through Block Preconditioning.- 22 S. Hijazi et al., The Effort of Increasing Reynolds Number in Projection-Based Reduced Order Methods: from Laminar to Turbulent Flows.- 23 J. M. Maljaars et al., Optimization Based Particle-Mesh Algorithm for High-Order and Conservative Scalar Transport.- 24 P. T. Lin et al., Krylov smoothing for fully-coupled AMG preconditioners for VMS resistive MHD.- 25 I. K. Marchevsky and G. A. Shcheglov, Double Layer Potential Density Reconstruction Procedure For 3D Vortex Methods.- 26 T. Yamada and K. Goto, Balancing Domain Decomposition Method on AdditiveSchwartz Framework for Multi-level Implementation.- 27 M. Gerritsma et al., Algebraic dual polynomials for the equivalence of curl-curl problems.- 28 K. Masui et al., Multiple-precision Iterative Methods for Solving Complex Symmetric Electromagnetic Systems.- 29 D. Kuzmin, Gradient-based limiting and stabilization ofcontinuous Galerkin methods.- 30 J. Llobell et al., High order CG schemes for KdV and Saint-Venant flows.
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