Cell differentiation and the development of multicellular organisms are processes of self-assembly, controlled and driven by signaling molecules and cascades including redox regulation. These reactions may have provided the energy for the first metabolic steps in the evolution of life. Today, redox modifications are established as important regulatory events in cellular functions including differentiation and development. Redox modifications of single cysteines regulate differentiation of stem cells, formation of functioning organs, and de-differentiation such as formation of cancer cells. Current cancer therapy is based on redox events as well and regeneration often reactivates developmental pathways. Understanding differentiation and de-differentiation on a molecular level is therefore a prerequisite for the continuing development of new medical therapies. This book summarizes the roles of redox regulation in development by bringing together different concepts and comparing similarities and differences between various cell types and species. An international team of contributors presents several new aspects of redox-regulated differentiation and de-differentiation, including aspects of redox medicine.
Key Features
Provides the first summary on this important topic
Reviews redox-dependent development of model organisms and single organs
Highlights the redox-regulated pathways important for differentiation processes
Illustrates the potential of redox medicine
Combines state-of-the-art knowledge in differentiation/development, aging/longevity, and repair/regeneration
Written by leading experts in the field
Related Titles
Ayyanathan, K., ed. Cancer Cell Signaling: Targeting Signaling Pathways Toward Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer (ISBN 978-1-77188-
Introduction Preface - Christopher Horst Lillig (Greifswald, Germany)/Carsten Berndt (Dusseldorf, Germany) Chapter 1: Thiol redox regulation: A brief historical overview - Berndt (Dusseldorf, Germany)/Buchanan (Berkeley, USA)/Lillig (Greifswald, Germany)/Sies (Dusseldorf, Germany) Development of (in)vertebrate model organisms Chapter 2: Redox regulation of plant development - Jean-Philippe Reichheld/Avilien Dard/Christophe Belin (Perpignan/France) Chapter 3: Thiol-disulphide redox signalling/control during the life cycle of pathogenic trypanosomatids - Gabriela Specker/Lucia Piacenza/Rafael Radi/Marcelo A. Comini (Montevideo, Uruguay) Chapter 4: Redox regulation during zebrafish development - Lars Brautigam (Stockholm, Sweden)/Carsten Berndt (Dusseldorf, Germany) Development/Differentiation of vertebrate tissues Chapter 5: Formation and role of H2O2 during neuronal differentiation and axonal outgrowth - Christian Gonzalez-Billault (Santiago, Chile) Chapter 6: H2O2 in morphogenesis and regeneration - Marion Thauvin/Irene Amblard/Alain Joliot/Michel Volovitch/Christine Rampon/Sophie Vriz (Paris, France) Chapter 7: Protein S-nitrosylation in neuronal development - Tomohiro Nakamura/Xu Zhang/Chang-ki Oh/Stuart Lipton (La Jolla, USA) Chapter 8: NADPH oxidases in bone cell differentiation - Katrin Schroeder (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) Signaling pathways during differentiation and longevity Chapter 9: Identification of redox-regulated pathways via redox proteomics - Gereon Poschmann (Dusseldorf, Germany) Chapter 10: Glutathione during development - M. Hansen/Joshua E. Monsivais/Brandon M. Davies (Provo, USA) Chapter 11: Roles of NRF2 in quiescence and differentiation - Shohei Murakami, Hozumi Motohashi (Sendai, Japan) Chapter 12: Role of redox active iron in cell differentiation - Chinmay K. Mukhopadhyay/Sameeksha Yadav/Diksha Kulshreshtha/Ilora Ghosh (Delhi, India) Chapter 13: Redox regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics - Clara Ortegon Salas/Manuela Gellert/Christopher Horst Lillig (Greifswald, Germany) Chapter 14: Redox regulation of Sirtuin 1 controls neurogenesis and longevity - Tim Prozorovski/Christian Kroll/ Carsten Berndt/Orhan Aktas (Dusseldorf, Germany) Chapter 15: Roles of hydrogen peroxide and peroxiredoxin in the yeast replicative aging model of aging and age-related disease - Mikael Molin (Gothenburg, Sweden) Signaling pathways during differentiation and de-differentiation Chapter 16: Supersulfide-mediated signaling during differentiation and de-differentiation - Tsuyoshi Takata/Masanobu Morita/Tetsuro Matsunaga/Hozumi Motohashi/Takaaki Akaike (Sendai, Japan) Chapter 17: Selenoproteins in regulation of cancer development and progression - Anna Kipp (Jena, Germany) Chapter 18: Hypoxia and regulation of cancer stem cells - Qun Lin/Zhong Yun (Yale, USA) Redox Medicine Chapter 19: Redox Homeostasis and Diseases of Cellular Differentiation - Leilei Zhang/Kenneth Tew (Charleston, USA) Chapter 20: Gas Plasma: Innovative Cancer Therapy and Cellular Differentiation in Immuno-Oncology - Sander Bekeschus (Greifswald, Germany) Chapter 21: Nutrition-based redo regulation in Fish - Implications for growth, development, health, and flesh quality - Kristin Hamre/ Sofie Remo/Rune Waagbo (Bergen, Norway)
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