Functional Thin Films Technology features the functional aspects of thin films, such as their application in solar selective absorbers, fiber lasers, solid oxide fuel cells, piezo-related and catalysts, superhydrophobicity, semiconductor, and trace pesticides detection. It highlights developments and advances in the preparation, characterization, and applications of functional micro-/nano-scaled films and coatings.
Presents technologies aimed at functionality used in nanoelectronics, solar selective absorbers, solid oxide fuel cells, piezo-applications, and sensors
Covers absorbers, catalysts, anodic aluminum oxide, superhydrophobics, and semiconductor devices
Features a chapter on transport phenomena associated in the structures
Discusses transport phenomena and material informatics
This second volume in the two-volume set Protective Thin Coatings Technology will benefit industry professionals and researchers working in areas related to semiconductor, optoelectronics, plasma technology, solid-state energy storages, and 5G, as well as advanced students studying electrical, mechanical, chemical, and materials engineering.
Chapter 1 Combinatorial Synthesis Applied to the Development of Thin Film Materials for Nanoelectronics Chapter 2 Sputter Deposited Nanostructured Coatings as Solar Selective Absorbers Chapter 3 Novel Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers with Broadband Saturable Absorbers Chapter 4 Thin Coating Technologies and Applications in High-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Chapter 5 Mutually Influenced Stacking and Evolution of Inorganic/Organic Crystals for Piezo-Related Applications Chapter 6 Single-Atom Catalysts on Nanostructure from Science to Applications Chapter 7 Growth, Characteristics and Application of Nanoporous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Synthesized at Relatively High Temperature Chapter 8 Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Nanocomposite Surface Chapter 9 Solution-Processed Oxide-Semiconductor Films and Devices Chapter 10 Gold Nanocrystal-built Films for SERS-based Detection of Trace Organochlorine Pesticides Chapter 11 The Effect of Deposition Parameters on the Mechanical and Transport Properties in Nanostructured Cu/W Multilayer Coatings Index
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