Visual illusions are compelling phenomena that draw attention to the brain?s capacity to construct our perceptual world. The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions is a collection of over one hundred chapters on visual illusions, written by the illusions? creators and vision scientists who have investigated mechanisms underlying their peculiarities.
How to Use the Online Textbook; Introduction; Part I: Introductory General Chapters; 1. Early history of illusions; Nicholas J. Wade; 2. Cross-cultural Studies of Illusions; J.B. Dergowski; 3. Visual Illusion in a Comparative Perspective; Kazuo Fujita, Noriyuki Nakamura, and Sota Watanabe; 4. An Analysis of Theoretical Approaches to Geometrical-Optical Illusions; Barbara Gillam; 5. Visual Illusions in Action; Nicola Bruno; 6. Motion Illusions in Man and Machine; Cornelia Fermuller; 7. The Visual World as Illusion: The Ones We Know and the Ones We Don?t; Stephen Grossberg; 8. Visual Illusions?; Jan Koenderink; 9. Why the Concept of Visual Illusions is Misleading; Dale Purves, William T. Wojtach, R. Beau Lotto; 10. Where have all the illusions gone? -- A critique of the concept of illusion; Brian Rogers; Part II: Geometrical; 11. Weighted positional averaging in the illusions of the Muller-Lyer type; Aleksandr Bulatov; 12. The Bar Cross Ellipse Illusion; Gideon P. Caplovitz, Alex Boswell, and Kyle Killebrew; 13. The Spinning Ellipse Speed Illusion; Gideon Paul Caplovitz, Po-Jang Hsieh, Peter J. Kohler, and Katharine B. Porter; 14. The Ames-window illusion and its variations; Marcel de Heer and Thomas V. Papathomas; 15. Three-Dimensional Muller-Lyer Illusion: Theoretical and Practical Implications; Patricia R. DeLucia; 16. Why do Hills Look so Steep?; Frank H. Durgin and Zhi Li; 17. Shape from Smear: An Illusion of 3D Shape, Made by Finger-Painting with Noise; Roland W. Fleming and Daniel Holtmann-Rice; 18. Geometric-optical illusions under isoluminance?; Kai Hamburger, Thorsten Hansen, and Karl R. Gegenfurtner; 19. The Picture Surface Illusion: 3D Biases 2D; Sherief Hammad and John M. Kennedy; 20. Cast Shadow Illusions; Daniel Kersten and Pascal Mamassian; 21. Leaning Tower Illusion; Frederick A. A. Kingdom, Ali Yoonessi, and Elena Gheorghiu; 22. The Invisible Saddle, or the Cap-or-Cup Illusion; Jan Koenderink, Andrea van Doorn, and Johan Wagemans; 23. Symmetry and uprightness in visually-perceived shapes; Lydia Maniatis; 24. Bath Tub Illusion; Lydia Maniatis; 25. The Pitchroom Illusion: How High is Up?; Leonard Matin, Ethel Matin, Wenxun Li, Todd E. Hudson, and Adam Shavit; 26. Geometric Illusions in the Human Face and Body; Kazunori Morikawa; 27. Dynamic Illusory Size Contrast: enhanced relative size effects due to stimulus motion; Ryan E.B. Mruczek, Christopher D. Blair, Lars Strother, and Gideon P. Caplovitz; 28. Size Contrast and assimilation in the Delboeuf and Ebbinghaus illusions; Ryan E.B. Mruczek, Christopher D. Blair, Lars Strother, and Gideon P. Caplovitz; 29. The Occlusion, Configural Shape, and Shrinkage Illusions; Stephen E. Palmer and Karen B. Schloss; 30. Reverse-perspective art and objects - Illusions in depth and motion; Thomas V. Papathomas; 31. The New Moon Illusion; Brian Rogers and Stuart Anstis; 32. Geometrical errors are the cost of maintaining the luminance contrast polarity; Sergio Roncato; 33. Antigravity Slopes: A new type of visual illusion; Kokichi Sugihara; 34. The geometrical-optical illusions of J.J. Oppel; Dejan Todorovic; 35. Oppel-Kundt Illusion; Ji?i Wackermann; 36. The Shifted-Chessboard Pattern as Paradigm of the Exegesis of Geometrical-optical Illusions; Gerald Westheimer; Part III: Brightness/Lightness/Color; 37. A Layered Experience of Lightness and Color; Barton L. Anderson; 38. Color & luminance: afterimages, combinations and flicker; Stuart Anstis; 39. The White effect; Barbara Blakeslee and Mark E. McCourt; 40. The Dungeon Illusion; Paola Bressan and Peter Kramer; 41. The contrast contrast illusion; Charles Chubb, Joshua A. Solomon, and George Sperling; 42. Illusory Color Spread from Apparent Motion; Carol M. Cicerone and Donald D. Hoffman; 43. The reversed contrast Necker cube; Alessandra Galmonte and Tiziano Agostini; 44. Changing the Chevreul Illusion by a Background Luminance Ramp; Janos Geier and Mariann Hudak; 45. The curved grid non-illusions: eliminating Hermann?s spots and Lingelbach?s scintillation; Janos Geier and Mariann Hudak; 46. The Staircase Gelb Illusion; Alan Gilchrist; 47. The Breathing Light Illusion: illusory size and brightness variation induced by motion; Simone Gori, Enrico Giora, and D. Alan Stubbs; 48. Large Shift in Brightness Induced by Motion in Context; Sang Wook Hong; 49. The Chromatic Mach Card; Anya Hurlbert; 50. Colour Assimilation; Frederick A. A. Kingdom; 51. When light looks like paint; Frederick A. A. Kingdom; 52. The Scintillating Grid; Bernd Lingelbach; 53. Second-order Mach Bands, Chevreul, and Craik-O?Brien-Cornsweet Illusions; Zhong-Lin Lu and George Sperling; 54. Vasarely?s Nested Squares and the Alternating Brightness Star illusion; Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen L. Macknik; 55. Grating Induction; Mark E. McCourt and Barbara Blakeslee; 56. Illusory variations in apparent dot brightness induced by density modulations; Jeffrey B. Mulligan; 57. On the Watercolor Illusion; Baingio Pinna; 58. The Chinese lantern illusion; Sergio Roncato, Sandro Bettella, and Clara Casco; 59. The Wedding Cake Illusion: Interaction of Geometric and Photometric Factors in Induced Contrast and Assimilation; Branka Spehar and Colin WG Clifford; 60. Filling-in between contours; Rob van Lier; 61. The glare effect; Daniele Zavagno and Olga Daneyko; Part IV: Motion-Based; 62. Improbable Illusory Contours; Barton L. Anderson; 63. Low-level motion illusions; Stuart Anstis; 64. High-level organization of motion: Ambiguous, Primed, Sliding, & Flashed; Stuart Anstis; 65. Backscroll illusion; Kiyoshi Fujimoto; 66. The Rotating Tilted Lines Illusion: rotation instead of expansion, a peculiar case of motion misperception; Simone Gori; 67. The enigmatic Enigma illusion; Kai Hamburger; 68. The Fraser-Wilcox illusion and its extension; Akiyoshi Kitaoka; 69. Induced motion; Jasmin Leveille and Arash Yazdanbakhsh; 70. The Freezing Rotation Illusion; Erika N. Lorincz and Max R. Dursteler; 71. Second-order Reversed Phi; Zhong-Lin Lu and George Sperling; 72. Attention-generated apparent motion; Zhong-Lin Lu and George Sperling; 73. Two-stroke apparent motion; George Mather; 74. On the Pinna Illusion; Baingio Pinna; 75. Color Wagon Wheel; Arthur Shapiro; 76. The Aperture Problem: Illusions arising during the integration and segmentation of motion within and across apertures; Maggie Shiffrar; 77. Paths of Apparent Human Motion Follow Motor Constraints; Maggie Shiffrar and Christina Joseph; 78. The Motion Standstill Illusion; George Sperling, Son-Hee Lyu, Chia-Huei Tseng, and Zhong-Lin Lu; 79. Objectless Motion: The Pedestalled Motion Paradigm; George Sperling and Zhong-Lin Lu; 80. Silencing the awareness of change; Jordan W. Suchow and George A. Alvarez; 81. The Kayahara Silhouette Illusion; Nikolaus F. Troje; 82. The motion aftereffect; Frans A.J. Verstraten and Peter J. Bex; 83. High phi and ghost phi: Extreme motion illusions; Mark Wexler; 84. Stereokinetic phenomena; Mario Zanforlin; 85. Motion illusions in static patterns; Johannes M. Zanker; Part V: Faces; 86. The Venus Effect; Marco Bertamini and Richard Latto; 87. The Hollow-mask Illusion and Variations; Thomas V. Papathomas; 88. The Illusion of Sex; Richard Russell; 89. The Bogart Effect; Sharon Gilad-Gutnick, Rohan Varma, and Pawan Sinha; 90. The Presidential Illusion; Sharon Gilad-Gutnick and Pawan Sinha; 91. About Face: The Margaret Thatcher Illusion; Peter Thompson; 92. The Mona Lisa effect; Dejan Todorovic; 93. The Wobbling Face Illusion; Sayako Ueda and Akiyoshi Kitaoka; 94. Adaptation aftereffects in the perception of faces; Michael A. Webster; Part VI: Grouping and Organization; 95. Ambiguous Figures Moving Forward; Lori J. Bernstein; 96. The Scramble Illusion: Texture Metamers; Charles Chubb, Joseph Darcy, Michael S. Landy, John Econopouly, Jong-Ho Nam, Dan Bindman, and George Sperling; 97. Amodally completed angles; Walter Gerbino; 98. Subjective Contours; Barbara Gillam; 99. The Ternus Effect; Elisabeth Hein; 100. Two sinusoids: 6 - 1 perceptions; Jan Kremlacek; 101. The Illusions of Numerosity; Riccardo Luccio; 102. The Aperture Capture Illusion; Evan M. Palmer and Philip J. Kellman; Part VII: Attention; 103. Motion-induced blindness (MIB); Yoram Bonneh; 104. Inattentional blindness and the illusion of attention; Daniel J. Simons; Part VIII: Binocular Vision/Stereopsis; 105. Binocular rivalry: The illusion of disappearance; Randolph Blake; 106. Stereo Rotation Standstill and Related Illusions; Max R. Dursteler and Erika N. Lorincz; 107. The graph-paper effect: a moving, illusory, stereoscopic texture; Mark Georgeson; Part IX: Adaptation; 108. Adaptation to brightness change, contours, jogging, and apparent motion; Stuart Anstis; 109. The Color Dove illusion- chromatic filling in effect following a spatial-temporal edge; Yuval Barkan and Hedva Spitzer; 110. Blur adaptation and induction; Michael A. Webster; Part X: Conflicting Scale or Other Information; 111. Hybrid Image Illusion; Aude Oliva and Philippe G. Schyns; 112. Contrast Asynchronies; Arthur Shapiro; 113. Hidden Images; Nicholas J. Wade; Part XI: Multisensory; 114. The three-dimensional Necker cube; Nicola Bruno; 115. The McGurk Effect and the Primacy of Multisensory Perception; James W. Dias, Theresa C. Cook, and Lawrence D. Rosenblum; Index
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