This book presents a new theory of what happens at the very early stages of innovation. It describes how a new technology is transformed into an entrepreneurial opportunity and becomes the origin of economic growth. The surprising answer is cooperation. The origin of innovation begins in the commons.
Foreword - Against Prometheus; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1 We innovate together; Introduction; 1.1 The origin of innovation; 1.2 The commons in the innovation commons; What is a commons?; An innovation commons is a knowledge commons; Common-pooling and peer-production in an innovation commons; 1.3 Clunkers and Homebrew; 1.4 The Republic of Letters; 1.5 Why groups, why cooperation, why open?; Overview of book; Chapter 2 The innovation problem; Introduction; 2.1 Trade and new knowledge explain growth; 2.2 The innovation problem as economic problem; The Schumpeter-Nelson-Arrow version of the innovation problem; The Hayek version of the innovation problem; 2.3 The origin of the innovation trajectory; 2.4 The economic problem of innovation; 2.5 Innovation problem is a collective action problem; 2.6 Innovation happens in groups; Discovery failure; Discovery costs; Conclusion; Chapter 3 Innovation is a knowledge problem; Introduction; 3.1 Innovation problem I - Social contract problem (McCloskey); 3.2 Innovation problem II - Distributed knowledge problem (Hayek); 3.3 Innovation problem III - Idiosyncratic risk (Williamson); 3.4 Innovation problem IV - Rules for cooperation (Ostrom); Conclusion; Chapter 4 Four theories of the innovation commons; Introduction; 4.1 Two commons; 4.2 Evolution of cooperation; 4.3 Defense against enclosure; 4.4 Institutional uncertainty; Conclusion; Chapter 5 Origin of the innovation trajectory; Introduction; 5.1 The zero-th phase of the innovation trajectory; 5.2 The fundamental transformation; 5.3 The Proto-Entrepreneur, the Dual-Discovery Problem, and the Two Commons Solution; The Proto-Entrepreneur seeks Non-Price Information; The Proto-Entrepreneur faces a Dual Discovery Problem; The Two Commons Solution; 5.4 Modelling the innovation commons; 5.5 The innovation commons in institutional space; 5.6 The innovation commons as higher-order discovery; Conclusion; Chapter 6 Rules of the Innovation commons; Introduction; 6.1 Cooperation behind the veil of ignorance; 6.2 An emergent social order; 6.3 The use of society in knowledge; 6.4 Problems the innovation commons must solve; Identity, Cooperation, Consent, Monitoring, Punishment and conflict, Independence, Economic problems the rules must solve; 6.5 Origin of rules; 6.6 Core Design Principles; 6.7 Can evolution explain the innovation commons?; Evolution of cooperation; Evolution of cooperation in the commons; Is cooperation for innovation the institutional equivalent of war?; The innovation commons as higher-order discovery; Conclusion - We innovate together; Chapter 7 Lifecycle of an innovation commons; Introduction; 7.1 Institutions of collective innovation; Institutional varieties of collective innovation; Institutional transformations over an innovation trajectory; 7.2 Origin of industry; 7.3 The standard model of industry associations; 7.4 A new model of industry associations; private governance for discovery of public goods; 7.5 Industry associations construct niches; 7.6 The demic phase of industry associations; Conclusion; Chapter 8 Theory of Innovation Policy; Introduction; 8.1 The innovation commons critique of modern innovation policy; Theory of innovation policy; Mechanisms of innovation policy; Critique of Innovation Policy; Political economy of innovation policy; Rules as policy; Innovation policy as a public and private goods problem; Innovation Policy and its discontents, a summary; 8.2 Discovery Failure; 8.3 Efficient Institutions of Innovation Policy; The Comparative Institutional Approach; The low social costs (and high private benefits) of innovation commons; 8.4 New innovation policy; Diagnosing the innovation problem; Benefits to groups, regions, nations, and the world; This comes from civil society; The innovation economy cannot be planned; Conclusion; Chapter 9 Inclusive Innovation Policy; Introduction; 9.1 Two types of innovation policy; 9.2 Innovation seen and unseen; 9.3 Against innovation: theory; 9.4 A better approach to innovation policy; 9.5 Inclusive innovation: A new social contract; Chapter 10 Conclusion; 10.1 The institutional origin of innovation; 10.2 Implications for economic theory; 10.3 The innovation sharing economy; References; Index; Figures and Tables; Figure 1.1 Economic goods; Figure 2.1 The innovation commons as the zero-th phase of an innovation trajectory; Figure 3.1 Market (choice) versus governance (contracting) models of innovation economics; Figure 3.2 Comparative institutions of innovation contracting; Figure 7.1 Public and private ordering definitions of industry; Figure 8.1 The Institutional Possibility Frontier (source Djankov et al 2003); Figure 8.2 Institutional possibilities of innovation policy; Figure 9.1 Two innovation policy approaches; Figure 9.2 Why friends of innovation prefer to engage government; Table 2.1 The innovation problem as market failure vs collective action; Table 2.2 Transformation costs, transaction costs and discovery costs; Table 2.3 Taxonomy of discovery costs; Table 6.1 Design rules; Table 7.1 Institutional varieties of Collective Innovation; Table 8.1 Innovation policy ranged between private and public instruments.
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