By the author of the highly acclaimed Charting the Economy, this book is the most comprehensive study yet of Malaysias impressive economic and social transformation over the past 150 years.
Boxes xii; Figures xiii; Tables xvii; Maps xix; Abbreviations xx; Preface xxii; Introduction xxiv ; PART 1 FORMING A NATION AND A MOSAIC POPULATION ; Chapter 1 From British Intervention to Independence; The Straits Settlements of Penang, Melaka, and Singapore; Penang; Melaka; Singapore; Governance of the Straits Settlements; The Pangkor Engagement, 1874; The Federated Malay States and Their Governance; The Unfederated Malay States and Their Governance; Kelantan and Terengganu; Kedah and Perlis; Johor; Administration of the Unfederated Malay States; Administration of British Malaya, 1900-1945; Malayan Civil Service; District Offices; Administration during the Japanese Occupation, 1941-1945; Administration of North Borneo and Sarawak; From Fragmentation to the Federation of Malaysia, 1945-1963; Decolonization to Merdeka, 1945-1957; Malaya to Malaysia, 1957-1963; Maintaining Law and Order; The Military; The Police; The Justice System; The Tax System; The Financial System; New Straits Settlements Dollar; Conclusions ; Chapter 2 Population and Migration; Counting and Classifying the People; How Population Classification Has Evolved; Major Categories of Ethnic Classification; Changing Classifications of Ethnic Subcategories; A Century of Migration to 1957; Chinese Migration; Indian Migration; Javanese Migration; Population Growth, 1871-1957; Impact of Migration on the Population of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, 1871-1911; Impact of Migration on the Peninsula’s Growth and Ethnic Composition, 1901-1957; Impact of Migration on the Sex Ratio of the Peninsula’s Population; Population Policy After 1957; Ethnic Balance and the 1969 Riots; A 70 Million Policy; Lower-skilled and Higher-skilled Emigration, 1957-2017; Population Growth and Changing Ethnic Composition, 1957-2017; Sabah and Sarawak, 1963-2017; A Century of Spatial Redistribution, 1901-2017; Urbanization; Distribution by States; Conclusions; Annex Table 2.1 History of ethnic sub-classifications used in Malayan/Malaysian population censuses ; PART 2 ENHANCING HUMAN WELL - BEING ; Chapter 3 Building Human Capital; Ethnically Segmented Education in Colonial Malaya; Malay Vernacular Schools; Chinese Vernacular Schools; Indian Vernacular Schools; English-medium Schools; Islamic Schools; North Borneo and Sarawak; Higher Education in Colonial Malaya; Modernization of Education Policy; Education Policy After the Japanese Occupation; Education Policy towards Merdeka; Post-independence Education Policy Reforms; Planning and Human Capital Development; Emergence of the Private Sector and Liberalization of Higher Education; Educational Inputs, Impacts, and Outcomes; Education Expenditure; Universal Literacy; Increasing Enrolment at All Education Levels; Improving Pupil-Teacher Ratios; Rising Educational Attainment; Supply of and Demand for Human Capital; Challenges in Human Capital Development; Performance in International Assessments; Why did Malaysia’s Performance Decline in International Assessments?; Improving the Quality of Education; The Challenge of Innovation; The Brain Drain; Conclusions ; Chapter 4 Increasing Well - Being; Health and Development in Colonial Malaya; Sanitary Boards; The Medical Department and the Expansion of Public Health; Hospitals, Research, and Training; Health Care from World War II to Independence; Impact of Colonial Health Measures; Post-independence Health Policies and Their Impact on Well-Being; Health Policy; Health Outcomes; The Demographic Transition; The Fertility Transition and Its Impact on Well-Being; The Fertility Transition; Changing Family Size and Female Labour Force Participation; Changing Family Size and Women’s Well-Being; Changing Family Size and Impact on the Population’s Age Structure; The Demographic Dividend; Conclusions ; PART 3 EXPANDING AND DIVERSIFYING THE ECONOMY ; Chapter 5 Economic Growth and Change , 1874 - 1969; GDP Growth and GDP Gaps, 1900-1969; Data and Data Sources; Growth of Per Capita GDP; Convergence and Gaps in Per Capita GDP; Post-Pangkor Engagement, 1874-1899; Growth, Volatility, and Reversals, 1900-1941; The Rubber Boom, 1900-1929; Volatility in Tin Output and Prices; The Great Depression and Its Aftermath, 1930-1941; A Segmented Economy and People; Japanese Occupation, 1941-1945; Recovery, 1946-1949; Commodity Dependence and Institutional Transformation, 1950-1959; Post-independence Economic Priorities, 1960-1969; Conclusions ; Chapter 6 Growth , Productivity , and Wealth Since Independence; The Record on GDP Growth; Income Convergence and Catch-up; Total Factor Productivity Growth and Input Growth; Factor Productivity Benchmarks; Components of Labour Productivity Growth; Structural Change, the Structural Bonus, and Sector Productivity; Structural Change; Structural Bonus; Sector Productivity; Demographic Dividend; Genuine Wealth; Conclusions ; Chapter 7 Advances , Reversals , and Changes , 1970 - 2017; Outline Perspective Plan 1, 1971-1990; New Economic Policy: Rationale and Scope; Targets and Policies in OPP1; Outcomes, 1971-1980; Outcomes, 1981-1990; OPP1 Summary; Outline Perspective Plan 2, 1991-2000; The National Development Policy: Rationale and Scope; Targets and Policies in OPP2; Outcomes for OPP2; Outline Perspective Plan 3, 2001-2010; The National Vision Policy: Rationale and Scope; Targets and Policies in OPP3; The Global Financial Crisis and Great Recession, 2008-2009; Impact and Responses; Outcomes for OPP3; The Tenth Malaysia Plan, 2011-2015; Targets and Policies in MP10; Outcomes for MP10; Productivity; Export Diversification; Innovation-led Growth; MP11 and the New Directions Set in Its Mid-Term Review; Conclusions ; PART 4 ACHIEVING GROWTH WITH EQUITY ; Chapter 8 Agricultural Development and Poverty Reduction; Historical Context: The Horns of a Dilemma; Structural Transformation; State-level Agricultural Development and Poverty Reduction, 1970-2015; Poverty and Economic Data; Measures of Structural Transformation at State Level; Agricultural Commodities; Structural Transformation at State Level; Linkages between Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction; Commodity Production and Poverty Reduction; Results; Conclusions; Annex Table 8.1 Steady progress in poverty reduction halted during the Asian financial crisis but resumed in year 2000; Annex Table 8.2 Controlling for time-related structural changes in the economy, 95 per cent of variation in poverty is explained; Annex Table 8.3 An increase in real GDP per capita lowers poverty rates; Annex Table 8.4 Rice production has different impacts on poverty at state level; Annex Table 8.5 Palm oil production has different impacts on poverty at state level ; Chapter 9 Inequality : A Century of Change; Inequality and Consumption in Malaya, 1900-1939; Piece-wise Linear Lorenz Curves; Lower-bound Gini; Intra-standard Consumption Variance; Intra-standard Dispersion; Simulated Indicators of Inequality; Summary of Inequality in the Colonial Era; Measuring Income Inequality in Malaysia, 1970-2016; Limitations of Income Survey Data; Income Surveys and the National Accounts; Malaysian Household Income Surveys; Type of Income; National Trends in Inequality; Mean and Median Incomes; Lorenz Curves; Gini; Percentile Ratios and Shares; Impact of Financial Crises on Income Inequality; International Experience; The Macroeconomic Impact on Malaysia; Malaysian Inequality in Crisis Years; Differentials in Income Inequality; Ethnicity, Strata, and Household Size; Education; State; Determinants of Income Inequality; Modelling Determinants; Model Results; Conclusions; Annex Table 9.1 Residents of Kuala Lumpur are more likely to be in the top quintile-logistic regressions: Top-quintile; Annex Table 9.2 Tertiary education raises the likelihood of high income- logistic regressions: Top 5% ; PART 5 CREATING AN INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ; Chapter 10 Working Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Future; One: Affirmative Action; Two: Diversified Development; Three: Immigration and Labour Market Regulations; Four: Environmental Management for Sustainability; Five: Implementation; Administrative Alignment and Configuration; Human Resources; Data for Evidence-based Policy; References; Index
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