This book provides a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of rheumatic disease in geriatric patients. It details information on the effect of ageing on musculoskeletal and immune systems and specifies impact of a variety of inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic disorders on the elderly. The clinical diagnostic approach to an older individual with musculoskeletal complaints is a cornerstone of this book, which includes also insights into the most important comorbidities for this age and discusses in depth available treatments and rehabilitation tools. The symptoms, imaging features and recommendations on the interpretation of specific laboratory tests for rheumatic diseases in geriatrics are also covered. This book encompasses traditionally associated with older age conditions including temporal arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, osteoarthritis, as well as common systemic autoimmune diseases that can produce atypical manifestations in the elderly. Itwill enable the readers to develop a thorough understanding of how to deal with these patients in their clinical practice. Rheumatic Disease in Geriatrics: Diagnosis and Managementsystematically describes how to diagnose and treat geriatric patients with a variety ofrheumatic conditions and is a valuable resource for all medical professionals involved.
Aging and rheumatology.-Prevalence and significance of rheumatic conditions in geriatric population.-Musculoskeletal system in elderly.-Immune system in elderly.-Pharmacokinetics and anti-rheumatic drugs in elderly.-Non Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs.-Synthetic Disease Modifying anti-Rheumatic Drugs.-Biological Disease Modifying anti-Rheumatic Drugs.-Glucocorticosteroids.-Opiates and Cannabis .-Comorbidities of rheumatic diseases in geriatric patients.-Cardiovacular.-Pulmonary.-Osteoporosis.-Ophtalmologic.-Vaccination of elderly patients with rheumatic diseases.-Laboratory diagnostics of rheumatic diseases in elderly.-Musculoskeletal imaging in geriatric patients.-Rheumatic disorders in elderly.-Rheumatoid arthritis.-Systemic lupus erythematosus.-Systemic sclerosis, Sjogren?s syndrome and other systemic autoimmune diseases.-Gout.-Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease.-Osteoarthritis.-Giant cell arteritis.-Polymyalgia rheumatic.-Spondyloarthritis.-Septic arthritis.-Autoinflammatory diseases.-Fibromyalgia.-Rheumatic conditions related to malignancies and their treatment.-Approach to a geriatric patient with suspected rheumatic condition.-Approach to a geriatric patient with monoarthritis.-Approach to a geriatric patient with polyarthritis.-Approach to a geriatric patient with shoulder pain.-Approach to a geriatric patient with widespread pain.-Approach to a geriatric patient with intractable back pain.-Approach to a geriatric patient with suspected myopathy.-Approach to a geriatric patient with suspected vasculitis.-Approach to a geriatric patient in pain clinic.-Rehabilitation of an elderly patient with rheumatic disorder.
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