This publication contains the proceedings of a seminar held in Germany (Fed. Rep.) on May 4 -6, 1977, under the auspices of the Commission of the European Communities, as part of the EEC programme of co ordination of research on beef production. The programme was drawn up by a combined scientific working group on Genetics and Selection and on Nutrition and Management on behalf of the Beef Production Committee. The working group consisted of Professor Dr. Neimann S~rensen (Denmark, Chairman), Dr. Brolund Larsen (Denmark), Mr. Boccard (France), Dr. H. de Boer (Netherlands), Priv.-Doz. Dr. B. Hoffmann (Germany, Fed. Rep.), Professor Dr. H.J. Langholz (Germany, Fed. Rep.), Dr. J.W.B. King (UK), Mr. R. Jarrige (France), Mr. B. Vissac (France), Professor Dr. A. Romita (Italy), Professor Dr. E.P. Cunningham (Ireland), Mr. P. L’Hermite (CEC) and Dr. J.C. Tayler (Scientific Adviser to CEC). The subject chosen for this seminar was drawn from the list of priorities in research objectives drawn up in 1973 by members of a committee (now the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research, (~PRA). One of the functions of this series of seminars was to summarise and update the information available on the selected subjects and to discuss future needs for research, so as to assist the Commission in evaluating the probable impact of research on agri cultural production within the Community.
Survey of the Present Situation in the EEC.- Survey of the incidence of calving problems, calf mortality, and their economic importance: dairy and dual-purpose cattle.- Present situation of calving problems in the EEC: incidence of calving difficulties and early calf mortality in beef herds.- Discussion.- Genetic Factors and Breeding for Calving Performance. Part 1.- Selection for double-muscling and calving problems.- Reproductive performance in crossbreeding: results from a current experiment in the Federal Republic of Germany.- Influence of sire breed on calving performance, perinatal mortality and gestation length.- Breeding considerations for minimising difficult calving.- Discussion.- Genetic Factors and Breeding for Calving Performance. Part 2.- A breeding strategy for reducing perinatal calf mortality in heifer calvings.- Selection for calving ability in French beef breeds.- Relationship between performance test data and calving performance of test bulls.- Breeding for calving performance.- Sire evaluation for dystocia in Dutch cattle breeds.- Investigations on the relationships of body measurements and weight of heifer and calf to calving difficulties in German Simmental (Fleckvieh) cattle: preliminary results of EEC project no. 320 of the beef production programme.- Comparison of the main European cattle breeds used in industrial crossing on French Friesian dairy cows: preliminary results on calving difficulties.- Discussion.- Physiological Aspects of Parturition.- Hormonal mechanism involved in control of parturition in the cow.- The influence of the sire on the oestrogen production of the bovine foetus-placental unit.- Neural control of the reproductive tract in the cow as it relates to parturition.- Preliminary observations on myometrial electrical activity before, during and after parturition in the cow.- Discussion.- Induced Parturition.- Betamethasone induced calving: a comparison between induced and non-induced dairy cows.- Some results with induced parturition in cows and heifers.- Induction of parturition in the bovine.- Use of prostaglandins for induction of parturition in the cow.- Discussion.- Nutrition and Management of the Dam in Relation to Calving Problems. Part 1.- Effect of rearing intensity and age at calving on calving performance.- Pre-calving management and feeding of the beef cow in relation to calving problems and viability of the calf.- Problems associated with the calving and neonatal period in beef cattle.- Discussion.- Nutrition and Management of the Dam in Relation to Calving Problems. Part 2.- Effect of plane of nutrition during late pregnancy on the incidence of calving problems in beef cows and heifers.- The influence of pre-partal feeding on energy metabolism in early lactation.- The influence of pre-calving feeding and management of the cow on ease of calving and calf viability.- Clinical aspects of the nutritional status of the dam and parturition.- Discussion.- Status, Nutrition and Management of the Newborn Calf. Part 1.- Conclusions from the EEC seminar on perinatal ill health in calves.- Immune mechanisms in the newborn calf.- The effect of different methods of feeding colostrum on calf blood serum immuno globulin levels.- Discussion.- Status, Nutrition and Management of the Newborn Calf. Part 2.- Management of the newborn calf: an attempt at an economic analysis.- Treatment of the newborn calf.- Acidosis and clinical state in depressed calves.- Discussion.- General Discussion with Panel of Session Chairmen.- List of participants.
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