The study of ocular fine structure under physiologic and experimental conditions is a relatively young branch of ophthalmic research, requiring a high degree of specialization. The few scientists, who are involved in this kind of research are widely scattered through out Europe. Therefore, the exchange of scientific information, which is necessary for crit ical evaluation and continuing stimulation of individual work, is often impeded. In an at tempt to overcome this problem, a group of likeminded research workers got together in Essen in spring 1972 and founded ECOFS, the European Club for Ophthalmic Fine Struc ture. Since its inauguration the Club has attracted the interest of more and more scientists engaged in the electron microscopic investigation of the eye. Once each year the members of the association and invited guests take part in a very active scientific meeting. During these workshops the participants have ample oppurtunity to report in detail on the recent results obtained in their investigations and to test the validity of their conclusions in lively discussions with other specialists. This publication contains a great number of the papers presented at the fifth annual meeting of ECOFS in Zurich, Switzerland, on March 25 and 26, 1977. This inventory of current research in ophthalmic electron microscopy may serve to inform both scien tifically orientated ophthalmologists and other investigators working in related fields of research.
Pressure Effects on the Distribution of Extracellular Materials in the Rhesus Monkey Outflow Apparatus.- Ultrastructure of the Blood-Aqueous Barrier in Normal Condition and after Paracentesis. A Freeze-Fracture Study in the Rabbit.- Exfoliation Material in Different Sections of the Eye.- Schlemm’s Canal after Trabeculo-Electropuncture (TEP).- The Action of Sensitized Lymphocytes on the Corneal Endothelium of Rabbits.- The Perfused Cat Eye: A Model in Neurobiologic Research.- The Architecture of the Most Peripheral Retinal Vessels.- Electron-Microscopic Histochemistry of the Most Peripheral Retinal Vessels.- Effects of Colchicine on Phagosome-Lysosome Interaction in Retinal Pigment Epithelium. I. In vivo Observations in Albino Rats.- Effects of Colchicine on Phagosome-Lysosome Interaction in Retinal Pigment Epithelium. II. In vitro Observations on Histio-Organotypical Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells of the Pig (a Preliminary Report).- Diurnal Variation of Autophagy in Rod Visual Cells in the Rat.- Retinal Glycogen Content during Ischaemia.- Light Damage to the Retina.- Macrophage Infiltration in the Human Retina.- Bruch’s Membrane in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Histochemical, Ultrastructural, and X-Ray Microanalytical Study of the Membrane and Angioid Streak Areas.- The Ultrastructure of Preretinal Macular Fibrosis.- Indexed in Current Contents.
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