This proceedings volume examines individual city transports, transport companies and entire transport systems. Featuring select contributions presented at the 2018 TranSopot Conference in Sopot, Poland, this book provides an analysis of transportation solutions both at the micro-level (single city or single company) as well as the macro-level (whole transportation systems). The enclosed research and case studies provide a theoretical background for transport analysis but also new innovative and sustainable solutions to transportation while also increasing the efficiency of transport operations.Transportation is a very specific area of social and economic life. It creates countless opportunities and fulfills the need for mobility while also generating significant cost—direct for the company or indirect to societies. Planning and organizing transport is a task which requires a multi-level approach with a focus on operational, ecological and financial aspects. At a time in which many transport systems are unable to grow extensively due to lack of space or increased cost, these activities are even more crucial. The enclosed research from researchers, scholars and practitioners provides not only new theories but also empirical data and practical experience.The TranSopot 2018 conference is a continuation of a long series of conferences devoted to the topic of transport sector development. The goal of the conference is to exchange current trends and spread the results of current research into the fields of transport growth, development and management.
Part I: Creation, organisation and evaluation of urban mobility.- Chapter 1. Determinants of Public Transport Integration in Cities and in the Region at the Example of Pomorskie Voivodeship.- Chapter 2. Developing a Metropolitan Transport System - Exemplified by the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area.- Chapter 3. Selection of Public Transport Operator in Public Procurement System in Poland.- Chapter 4. Management of Urban Mobility in Metropolitan Areas on the Example of the Upper Silesian Metropolis.- Chapter 5. Car-sharing in urban transport systems – overview of Europe and Asia.- Chapter 6. The Analysis of Roundabouts Perception By Drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians.- Chapter 7. Evaluation of the Distribution of Sound Levels in a Public Transport Bus During the Ride and at Standstill.- Chapter 8. Car-sharing in urban transport systems– overview of Europe and Asia.- Chapter 9. Public Transport Fares as an Instrument of Impact on the Travel Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis of the Price Elasticity of Demand.- Chapter 10. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Smart City.- Chapter 11. Ergonomics of Designing Means of Public and Individual Transport Taking into Consideration the Ageing Process of Society.- Chapter 12. Railway Stations in Creating the Competitive Advantage of Agglomeration Public Transport.- Chapter 13. Transport behaviour in the context of shared mobility.- Part II: The operational and strategic challenges of transport companies.- Chapter 14. The determinants of the internal audit in road cargo transport enterprises.- Chapter 15. Non-aeronautical services offer as an airport revenue management tool.- Chapter 16.- Rationalization of raw materials supply in a manufacturing company – case study.- Chapter 17. Study of the Relationship between the Potential of Road Transport Enterprises and Socio-Economic Development of Poviats in Pomorskie Voivodship.- Chapter 18. Transport of Works of Art - Challenges And Opportunities - Case Study.- Chapter 19. Knowledge as a Factor of Process Maturity Growth in Polish Logistic Organizations.- Chapter 20. Analysis of attitude differences of professional drivers in light of occupational change intention.- Part III: Green and innovative transport systems.- Chapter 21. Irregularities in level crossings and pedestrian crossings.- Chapter 22. Computation of the Synthetic Indicator of the Economic Situation of the Rail Transport Sector in Poland.- Chapter 23. How cars should be designed, the importance of form in new technologies.- Chapter 24. S-Mile Visualizer Tool as an ITS Component.- Chapter 25. Multi-criteria evaluation of global transportation corridors effectiveness. Case study analysis.- Chapter 26. Challenges for the Poland’s intermodal corridors in the light of Belt Road Initiative.- Chapter 27. Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Green Shipping Practices.- Chapter 28. Rationalization of energy intensity of road transport of member countries of the International Energy Agency.
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