Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties provides cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches to creating an environment where twice-exceptional students can thrive. Viewing the 2e student as neither exclusively disabled nor exclusively gifted, but, rather, as a dynamic interaction of both, leading experts offer holistic insight into identification, social-emotional development, advocacy, and support for 2e students.
About the Editor; Contributors; Introduction; Scott Barry Kaufman; Part I: Identification; 1. Finding and Serving Twice-Exceptional Students: Using Triaged Comprehensive Assessment and Protections of the Law; Bobbie Gilman and Dan Peters; 2. Using a Positive Lens: Engaging Twice-Exceptional Learners; Susan Baum and Robin Schader; 3. Finding Hidden Potential: Toward Best Practices in Identifying Gifted Students with Disabilities; Edward R. Amend; 4. Misconceptions About Giftedness and the Diagnosis of ADHD and Other Mental Health Disorders; Deirdre V. Lovecky; 5. Knowns and Unknowns about Students with Disabilities Who Also Happen to Be Intellectually Gifted; Steven I. Pfeiffer and Megan Foley Nicpon; Part II: Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students; 6. How We Can Recognize and Teach Twice or Multi Exceptional Students; Susan Winebrenner; 7. 2E and Social-Emotional Development: One Label, Many Facets; Judy Galbraith; 8. Advocating for Twice-Exceptional Students; Rich Weinfeld; 9. It Takes a Team: Growing up 2e; Mary Ruth Coleman, Lois Baldwin, and Daphne Pereles; 10. Educating the Twice-Exceptional Child: Creating Strong School-to-Home Collaborative Partnerships; Kevin Besnoy; Part III: Special Populations; 11. Attention Divergent Hyperactive Giftedness: Taking the Deficiency and Disorder out of the Gifted/ADHD Label; Charles Fugate; 12. Appreciating and Promoting Social Creativity in Youth with Asperger’s Syndrome; Matthew D. Lerner and Rebecca M. Girard; 13. The Spectrum of Twice Exceptional and Autistic Learners and Suggestions for Their Learning Styles; Richard O. Williams and Jeffrey Freed; 14. Visuo-Spatial Skills in Atypical Readers: Myths, Research and Potential; Maryam Trebeau Crogman, Jeffrey Gilger, and Fumiko Hoeft; 15. Gifted Dyslexics: MIND-Strengths, Visual Thinking, and Creativity; Susan Daniels and Michelle Freeman; 16. Being 3E, a new look at culturally diverse gifted learners with exceptional conditions: an examination of the issues and solutions for educators and families; Joy Lawson Davis and Shawn Anthony Robinson; 17. Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Supporting the Educational Success of Twice-Exceptional African American Students; Renae D. Mayes, Erik M. Hines, and James L. Moore III; Part IV: Models; 18. Bridges Academy: A Strengths-Based Model for 2E; Carl Sabatino and Chris Wiebe; 19. Integration and Dynamic Adaptation in the Formation of a Novel 2e School Model; Kimberly Busi and Kristin Berman; Index
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