Waste and Wealth examines questions of value, labor, and morality underlining the translocal waste trading networks originating from a rural district in Vietnam. Considering waste as an economic category of global significance, this book shows migrant laborers’ complex negotiations with political economic forces to remake their social and moral lives. It also illuminates how the waste traders seek to construct viable identities in the face of stigmatization, insecurity, and precarity. Waste and Wealth makes an important contribution to global studies of human economies and post-socialist transformations, demonstrating how the forces of globalization blend with local historical-cultural dynamics to shape the valuation of people and things.
Preface ; Field Research; Researching People on the Move; Credits and Acknowledgements; Introduction ; Migrant Labor under Market Socialism: The Rise of the Peasant Entrepreneur; Waste Global: Geographies of Recycling and Human Economies; The Political Economy of Remaking; Morality and Political Economy; Waste, Labor and the Politics of Value; --Revaluing Waste; --The Labor of Waste: Gender, Class, and Performance; Exemplary Society and the Politics of Morality; Desires, Aspirations, and Fictional Expectations; Overview of the Chapters; PART I: WASTE; Chapter 1. Mobility, Networks, and Gendered Householding ; Householding, Networks, and Reciprocity; Cities as the New Economic Zone; Waste Networks: Money, Reciprocity, and Distance; Staying at Home and Going Outside: Choice, Decision and Power; Inside and Outside: The Gender of Space; Going Outside and Remaking Gendered Spaces; Negotiating Boundaries and Remaking Gendered Ideals; Gendered Mobility and Generation; Sons, Daughters and the Limits of Mobility; Waste as a Frontier of Patrilineal Family; Conclusion: Translocality, Networks, and the Remaking of Gendered Spaces; Chapter 2. Labor, Economy and Urban Space ; The Itinerant Junk Trader and Changing Urban Waste Production; The Waste Hierarchy and the Promiscuity of Waste; Waste, Migrant Labor, and the Spatialization of Class in Hanoi; Gendered Performance of Class as Access to Urban Spaces; The Miserable Migrant: Stereotype as Bargaining Chip; Appliances versus Junk: Technology, Gendered Spaces, and Value; The Waste Depot: Place Making, Gender, and Class; Place Making in Ambiguous Spaces; Inside and Outside, Again; Moving Up: Matters of Dirt and Labor; Conclusion: Class, Gender and Urban Space Remaking; Chapter 3. Uncertainty, Ambiguity and the Ethic of Risk-Taking ; Economy of Uncertainty: Pricing, Tenure and Geography of Urban Waste; Dangers in the Zones of Ambiguity; Fake Waste; State Agents; Stolen Goods and Thugs; Men on the Highway and the Art of Making Law; Conclusion: Ambiguity, Risk Taking, and Remaking the Urban Order; PART II: WEALTH; Chapter 4. Mobility, Moral Discourses, and the Anxiety of Care ; Is It Better to be Uneducated and Rich? Mutually Exclusionary Discourses; Caring and Being Cared For in Translocal Households; Who Cares for the Kids? Grandparenting, Gender, and Never-Ending Worries; When Grandparents Need Care; Social Evils and the Disruption of Care; Conclusion: Care, Anxiety and the Remaking of Moral Obligations; Chapter 5. Rural Entrepreneurship, Local Development and Social Aspirations; A Shifting Approach to Local Development; Building the New Countryside from Urban Waste; Story of Thu and Ngoan: The Poetry of Rabbit Meat; Story of Xuan and Dai Love of the Land; Conclusion: Value, Entrepreneurship, and the Remaking of the Countryside; Chapter 6. Money and Consumption: Gendered Desires, Class Matters ; Money, the Gods, and the Anxiety of Mobility; Civilized Living and Vacant Houses; Consuming the City and the Gender of Desire; Becoming Urban? Class Matters; Conclusion: Fictional Expectations and the Remaking of Gendered Desires; Chapter 7. An Exemplary Person, the Poor and the Limits of Remaking; Socialization and the Ethic of Striving; Vignette 1: The Queen of Waste and the Spirit of Giving; Vignette 2: In Support of the Poor Households; Ten Signatures and One Candidate for a Housing Grant; Who Deserves to Be Poor?; Conclusion: The Production of Success and Failure and the Limits of Remaking; Conclusion: The Political Economy of Remaking ; The Waste Economy, Mobility and Globalization; Labor, Gender, and Class; Value and Morality; The Moral Personhood of Market Socialism; Notes; References; Index $ https://global.oup.com/academic/product/9780190692605 $ Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography
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