Identity studies focus on how organizations define themselves and what they stand for in relation to internal and external stakeholders. This Handbook offers an introduction to the growing field of organizational identity and a broad range of the most important theories and methods for the study of organizational identity.
Michael G.Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake Ashforth, and Davide Ravasi: Organizational Identity: Mapping Where We Have Been, Where We Are, and Where We Might Go; Section 1: Mapping the organizational identity (OI) field; 1 Peter Foreman and David Whetten: Great debates in organizational identity study; 2 Dennis A. Gioia and Aimee L. Hamilton: Measuring organizational identity: Taking Stock and Looking Forward; 3 Davide Ravasi: Organizational Identity, Culture and Image; 4 Blake Ashforth: Cross-Level OI; 5 Majken Schultz: Identity Change & Temporality; 6 Michael G. Pratt: Multiple OI & Hybrids; Section 2: Critical Perspectives on OI; 7 Tony J Watson: Organizational Identity and Organizational Identity Work as Valuable Analytical Resources; 8 Kate Kenney, Andrea Whittle, and Hugh Willmott: Organizational Identity: The Significance of Power and Politics; 9 Mats Alvesson and Maxine Robertson: Organizational Identity: A Critique; Section 3: Integrative Models of OI; 10 Ezra Zuckerman: Optimal Distinctiveness Revisited: An Integrative Framework for Understanding the Balance between Differentiation and Conformity in Individual and Organizational Identities; 11 Joep Cornelissen, Mirjam Werner, and Alex Haslam,: Bridging & Integrating Theories on Organizational Identity: A Social Interactionist Model of Organizational Identity Formation and Change; Section 4: How Individuals Relate to OI; 12 Beth Schinoff, Kristie Rogers, and Kevin G. Corley: How Do We Communicate Who We Are? Examining How Organizational Identity Is Conveyed to Members; 13 Jennifer Petriglieri and Devine: Mobilizing Organizational Action Against Identity Threats: The Role of Organizational Members’ Perceptions and Responses; 14 Kimberly Elsbach and Janet Dukerich: Organizational Identity and the Undesired Self; Section 5: Sources and processes of OI; 15 Glen E. Kreiner and Chad Murphy: Organizational Identity Work; 16 Roy Suddaby, William Foster, and Quinn Trank: ReMembering: Rhetorical History as Identity-Work; 17 Lee Watkiss and Mary Ann Glynn: Materiality and Identity: How Organizational Products, Artifacts, and Practices Instantiate Organizational Identity; 18 Daan Van Knippenberg: Making Sense of Who We Are: Leadership and Organizational Identity; Section 6: OI and the Environment; 19 Nelson Philips, Mattew Kraatz, Paul Tracey: Organizational Identity and Institutions; 20 Rich Dejordy and W. E. Douglas Creed: Institutional Pluralism, Inhabitants, and the Construction of Organizational and Personal Identities; 21 Marya L. Besharov and Shelley L. Brickson: Organizational Identity and Institutional Forces: Toward an Integrative Framework; Section 7: Implications of OI; 22 Callen Anthony and Mary Tripsas: Organizational Identity and Innovation; 23 Mamta Bhatt, Cees B. M. van Riel, and Marijke Baumann: Planned Organizational Identity Change: Insights from Practice; 24 Janne Tienari and Eero Vaara: Identity Construction in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Discursive Sensemaking Perspective; 25 Caroline Bartel, Cindi Baldi, and Janet Dukerich: Fostering Stakeholder Identification Through Expressed Organizational Identities; 26 Michael G. Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake Ashforth, and Davide Ravasi: On the Identity of Organizational Identity: Looking Backwards Towards the Future
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