In meeting rising demand, more intensive dairying systems face a range of challenges such as maintaining high standards of safety in the face of the continuing threat from zoonoses, whilst sustaining nutritional and sensory quality. At the same time farms need to become more efficient and sustainable. Finally, farming must also meet higher standards of animal health and welfare. Smallholder systems in developing countries face problems such as poor cattle nutrition, low productivity and vulnerability to disease which impact on safety, quality, sustainability and animal welfare. Drawing on an international range of expertise, this book reviews research addressing safety, quality and sustainability. Part 1 reviews pathogens affecting milk, their detection and control. The second part of the book discusses the environmental impact of dairy farming and ways it can be better managed, from improved nutrition to ways of protecting biodiversity. The book also reviews ways of supporting smallholders improve dairy farming in the developing world. Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2: Safety, quality and sustainability will be a standard reference for animal and dairy scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in milk production. It is accompanied by two further volumes which review milk composition, genetics and breeding as well as dairy herd management and welfare.
Part 1 Ensuring the safety and quality of milk on the farm 1.Pathogens affecting raw milk from cows: Claire Verraes, Sabine Cardoen and Wendie Claeys, Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain, Belgium; and Lieve Herman, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium; 2.Detecting pathogens in milk on dairy farms: key issues for developing countries: Delia Grace, Silvia Alonso, Johanna Lindahl, Sara Ahlberg and Ram Pratim Deka, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya; 3.Mastitis, milk quality and yield: P. Moroni, Cornell University, USA and University of Milano, Italy; F. Welcome, Cornell University, USA; and M. F. Addis, Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy; 4.Chemical contaminants in milk: Bernadette O’Brien and Kieran Jordan, Teagasc, Ireland; 5.Detecting and preventing contamination of dairy cattle feed: Delia Grace, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya; Johanna Lindahl, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Erastus Kang’ethe, University of Nairobi, Kenya; and Jagger Harvey, Biosciences Eastern and Central Africa Hub, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya; Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss, Kansas State University, USA; 6.Minimizing the development of antimicrobial resistance on dairy farms: appropriate use of antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis: Pamela L. Ruegg, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; 7.Managing sustainable food safety on dairy farms: Réjean Bouchard, VIDO-InterVac/University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Helen Dornom, Dairy Australia, Australia; Anne-Charlotte Dockès, Institut de l’Élevage, France; Nicole Sillett, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canada; and Jamie Jonker, National Milk Producers Federation, USA; Part 2 Sustainability 8.‘Towards’ sustainability of dairy farming: an overview: Norman R. Scott and Curt Gooch, Cornell University, USA; 9.Setting environmental targets for dairy farming: Sophie Bertrand, French Dairy Inter-branch Organization, France; 10.Grassland management to minimize the environmental impact of dairy farming: Margaret E. Graves, Dalhousie University, Canada; and Ralph C. Martin, University of Guelph, Canada; 11.Improved energy and water management to minimize the environmental impact of dairy farming: J. Upton, E. Murphy and L. Shalloo, Teagasc, Ireland; M. Murphy, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland; and I.J.M. De Boer and P.W.G. Groot Koerkamp, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; 12.Ensuring biodiversity in dairy farming: Ben Tyson, Central Connecticut State University, USA; Liza Storey and Nick Edgar, New Zealand Landcare Trust, New Zealand; Jonathan Draper, Central Connecticut State University, USA; and Christine Unson, Southern Connecticut State University, USA; 13.Organic dairy farming and sustainability: Florian Leiber, Adrian Muller, Veronika Maurer, Christian Schader and Anna Bieber, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland; 14.Trends in dairy farming and milk production: the cases of the United Kingdom and New Zealand: Alison Bailey, Lincoln University, New Zealand; 15.Assessing the overall impact of dairy sector: J. P. Hill, Fonterra Cooperative Group, New Zealand; Part 3 Improving quality, safety and sustainability in developing countries 16.Improving smallholder dairy farming in tropical Asia: John Moran, Profitable Dairy Systems, Australia; 17.Improving smallholder dairy farming in Africa: J. M. K. Ojango, R. Mrode, A. M. Okeyo, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya; J. E. O. Rege, Emerge-Africa, Kenya;
M. G. G. Chagunda, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK; and D. R. Kugonza, Makerere University, Uganda; 18.Organic dairy farming in developing countries: Gidi Smolders, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; Mette Vaarst, Aarhus University, Denmark;
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